Chapter Eleven

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As Ramin held Sierra in his arms, his anger at Tam grew.  How could he do this to her?!  She was so gorgeous and talented and he didn't deserve her.

Earlier Ramin had been thinking that Tam was the luckiest guy in the world.  Tam obviously didn't feel that way if he could do this to someone like Sierra.  Though she hadn't told him directly, Ramin could only assume the nasty bruise on her arm was from Tam.

Finally, she pulled back.  Her green eyes were still sad and her cheeks were stained with tears.  He carefully brushed them away with his thumb, and her eyes closed.  She looked absolutely exhausted.

"You should get some rest," He murmured.  Sierra opened her eyes and she looked like she might argue, but she eventually just nodded slowly.  Ramin gently picked her up and carried her into her room, setting her gently on the bed and pulling the blankets up around her.

He kissed her forehead gently and turned to leave.

"Ramin?" Sierra whispered weakly, her voice barely audible. 

Ramin turned to face her.  She was still lying on her back, eyes still closed.

"What is it, Sierra?" He asked quietly.

"Please don't say anything to Tam," she begged.  Ramin immediately stiffened; why wouldn't she want Tam punished for this?

"Sierra, I don't understand," Ramin's voice rose as he sat at the foot of her bed.

"Just, please, don't.  I promise I'll tell you if he does anything," she whispered. 

"Sierra, he hurt you.  That's called abuse." Ramin still couldn't comprehend it.  Why was Sierra acting like this?

"You will understand in time," she whispered. "Just promise me you won't say anything."

Ramin debated with himself for a minute.  Sierra had been physically and obviously emotionally hurt by Tam, and yet she wanted to protect him.  He just couldn't fathom it.

But why was he so worked up about it?  If Mandy had had this same conversation with him, he'd be less likely to argue so much.  Yet with Sierra, he wanted to wrap her up in his arms and protect her from the world.  He wanted to hold her and hide her. 

Suddenly, the realization came crashing over him: he loved her.  If he loved her, he should respect her.  If respecting her meant not telling about Tam, then so be it.

"I promise," he sighed.  Sierra's facial muscles relaxed and she looked somewhat at peace.

Ramin took that as his cue to leave.  He gently shut the door behind him and set off into the night. 

As he drove home, he realized that he still had a relationship with Mandy.  He didn't love Mandy at all; he didn't really like her, either.  She wasn't a pleasant person to be around. 

When Ramin got home, the first thing he did was grab his camera and a tripod he'd invested in.  He walked out onto his balcony and set the camera up, angling it towards him.  He quickly set the timer and posed himself.

Ramin rested his forearms on the balcony railing and bent down.  He folded his hands and stared sadly out at the city of London.

The flash went off and Ramin went and checked the shot.  It was exactly what he'd wanted: he looked upset and sad.  Tears glistened on his cheeks and his face was illuminated by the lights of the city.

Anyone else who saw this picture would probably think Ramin was just having a sentimental moment.  But he would keep it as a reminder of his promise to Sierra.

Ramin sighed as he detached the camera from the tripod and put the equipment away. He glanced at the digital clock: 5:23AM.

Not bothering to change, he collapsed face first into bed and fell into a fitful sleep.

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