Chapter Ten

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Sierra took a deep breath before she told Ramin anything.

She didn't want to talk about Tam. She just needed someone to talk to. Tam would quite possibly kill her if she told anyone about what had happened.

Ramin looked genuinely worried as he waited patiently for her to begin. His brown eyes were sad and he looked like he just didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry for calling you so late," She breathed.

"No worries; I'm always here to talk," he said quietly.

"I just...need to talk," Sierra didn't quite know what to say.

After she'd fallen asleep on the floor, a nightmare had woken her up. A nightmare about Tam.

He'd come back and broken into her flat, the smell of alcohol following him. She had tried desperately to escape, but it'd felt like bricks were strapped to her feet and she couldn't move. Tam, however, could move freely and he quickly grabbed her.

Sierra had tried desperately to fight him off, but her movements were small and weak. Tam had laughed evilly and tightened his grip on her wrists.

"I've got you now," he'd whispered, his breath reeking.

Sierra finally broke one wrist free and had tried to punch him, but he had grabbed her again, this time more forcefully.

Holding both of her wrists in one of his hands, he had used the other to slap her across the face, knocking her to the ground.

She'd cried out in pain, but Tam continued to hit her until her entire body was swollen and bruised. Just as she felt ready to die, Tam guided his arm down for one final, life-taking strike, she had woken up, covered in sweat and tears.

Sierra had sat there crying for a moment before realizing it was only a nightmare and that the only bruise she had was on her arm. In the midst of her panic attack, she'd called Ramin.

"I'm listening," Ramin whispered, taking her hand hesitantly. Sierra was jolted out of her thoughts, but quickly composed herself and began speaking.

"I just had an awful nightmare and...I'm scared of...of him," she whispered, fresh tears pouring out of her eyes.

Ramin gathered her in his arms again and she cried into his chest. She felt bad for staining his shirt with tears and makeup, but he didn't seem to mind. She took comfort in that fact.

After he'd held her for a while, Sierra heard him inhale sharply, like he was nervous.

"Sierra, you said you're scared "of him". Who's him?" Ramin asked hesitantly.

Sierra drew in a breath but never let it out. She almost hoped she'd pass out and not have to tell Ramin.

Then she felt bad. If she cared for Ramin, why couldn't she confide in him her fears? She knew why: she was afraid Ramin would take his anger out on Tam, and then Tam would know she'd told, and then she would be in serious trouble, and then it was all just a downwards spiral from there.

"Tam," she suddenly blurted, her voice loud and clear. Sierra quickly covered her mouth and drew away from Ramin.

It'd just slipped out. She hadn't meant to tell. She quickly got up and walked away, beginning to cry again.

Suddenly, Ramin's hands were on her shoulders as he spun her around to face him, keeping his hands firmly planted near her collarbone.

"Tam is making you this upset?" He whispered. In the moonlight streaming through the windows, Sierra could see that his eyes were glassy and sad.

She slowly nodded and felt a fresh batch of hot tears stream down her cheeks. Ramin took her into his arms yet again and let her cry.

He rested his head atop hers and Sierra could feel his tears on her hair. They stood there for awhile, both a crying, sobbing mess.

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