Chapter Twenty Three

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The rest of previews passed by in the blink of an eye, and before Ramin knew it, it was opening night.  He walked into the Adelphi at five 'o' clock, a sandwich in hand.  He said quick hellos to his cast mates and headed to his dressing room, needing time to unwind.

Sierra was out with her family, who had arrived that day to see the show.  He hoped she was having a good time; she needed something to get her mind off of Tam.

He sat on one of his couches and unwrapped his sandwich, mentally reviewing his lines and blocking.  When he was almost done eating, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" He called.  Sierra stepped into the room.

"Hey," she grinned at him.  He patted the spot next to him and she sat down.

"How was your day?" Ramin asked her.

"Fun.  My family's really excited to see the show." She said.

"Good.  I'm glad they're excited." He told her.

They spent the next twenty minutes talking about their mishaps during previews.  By the time Sierra's dresser called to say it was time to get ready, Ramin's stomach hurt from laughing.

Ramin walked to the door and opened it for her.  Sierra grinned at him, but suddenly she tripped and stumbled, falling into Ramin's arms.

Her sparkling green eyes met his deep brown ones, and he found himself thinking about how gorgeous she was.  She was the strongest woman he'd ever known.  It seemed natural to lean down as she stretched up, and their lips met.

Their lips fit together perfectly.  Sierra pressed her lips harder against his, and his hands moved to her waist as her fingers tangled in his hair. 

Suddenly, she pulled back.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered before fleeing the room.

Ramin didn't try to stop her.  He wandered aimlessly to his makeup table and stared absentmindedly at his reflection, his mind still in that past moment.

As his makeup artists came in to help him with the prosthetics and his wig, he couldn't help but smile.


Despite the slight awkwardness between her and Ramin, Sierra thought opening night went wonderfully.  She and Ramin took their bows together, and instead of kissing her hand, Ramin kissed her cheek. 

They were both given large flower bouquets and bowed several times with the rest of the cast.

When the curtain finally fell, Sierra gave Ramin a quick hug and congratulated the cast before hurrying to her dressing room, knowing she needed to get ready for the press event at the Corinthia Hotel.

She quickly got out of her costume and changed into her dress.  She got her wig off by herself and freshened up her hair and makeup.  She was about ready to go when her door opened.

"You were amazing tonight, S." Tam said as he closed the door.

"I have to go," she said, trying to get past him.  Tam grabbed her shoulders.

"Not until I say what I have to say." He told her.

She didn't know what to expect when Tam took a deep breath and began.

"S, I know you probably don't like me right now, but I'm sorry for my actions.  I need you in my life.  I'm hoping you can forget the past and embrace the future...with me." Tam suddenly dropped to one knee and held out a diamond ring.

Sierra's eyes widened.

"Sierra, will you marry me?"

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