Chapter Twenty Seven

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On Sunday, Sierra found herself standing in front of her torn-apart closet yet again.  Clothes were strewn everywhere, and she glared at the last few items that were lucky enough to remain on their hangers, silently threatening to throw them to the ground if they disappointed her.

"Ugh!" Sierra collapsed face first on her bed in frustration.  Luckily, it was only five 'o' clock, so she had an hour and a half before Ramin arrived for their first official date.

Sierra laid there for a few minutes to calm down before she lifted herself up.  She looked through the clothes on the floor and debated with herself.

Ramin hadn't told her what they'd be doing, only that she should dress nicely but still comfortable.  So she eventually chose fitted gray pants and a ruffled white shirt.  She didn't want to wear heels, so she found some pointy-toed white flats.

Sierra padded to her bathroom and quickly jumped in the shower.  She dried herself off and let hot air blast onto her from her hair drier.  She carefully brushed her hair and teeth.  She let her hair fall in loose waves as she put some makeup on.  She grabbed a charcoal gray trench coat and her purse before checking the time: six fifteen.

Sierra passed the next fifteen minutes by feeding Celie and making sure no cat hair was stuck to her outfit.  She was pulling one hair off her pant leg when there was a knock on the door.  She took a deep breath and fiddled with a strand of hair before opening the door.

Ramin was leaning against her doorframe, looking much more attractive than he had the right to in khakis and a shiny leather jacket.  His hair was neatly combed and he wore a cute little half smile.  Sierra blushed as he took her hand and kissed it.

"You look nice, Sie," he murmured.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she grinned at him, stepping into the hallway and closing her door behind her.

They walked hand in hand out to Ramin's car.  As soon as they were buckled and Ramin was guiding the car onto the road, Sierra cleared her throat.

"So, are you going to tell me where we're going?" She asked.

"Nope." Ramin replied, popping the "p".

Sierra groaned sarcastically, and Ramin chuckled.

"You'll see soon." He promised.  They held onto each other's hands as Ramin drove them down the busy London streets.

Ten minutes later, Ramin asked Sierra for help finding a parking space.  It was preferable that they find a spot close to where wherever Ramin was planning on taking them so they wouldn't have to walk too far, but London traffic was pretty unpredictable.

"There's a spot!" Sierra nearly shouted as a car ahead of them eased out of their spot.  Ramin slammed on the brakes and carefully parked the car. 

Ramin locked the doors as he took Sierra's hand and they took off walking down the sidewalk.  They were approaching Hyde Park, and Sierra couldn't help but wonder if they'd be stopping there.

Sure enough, Ramin pulled her onto the grass and they wove through crowds of people enjoying themselves in the nice-for-March-weather. 

They walked quietly, but it was peaceful when they got away from the crowds. 

"We're almost there," Ramin assured her, probably seeing that Sierra's toes were being squished in her pointy shoes.

A minute later, Sierra saw light flickering in the distance that wasn't coming from a street lamp.  As they grew nearer, she saw that a nice little picnic had been set up.  Even better, it was a secluded spot.

"Do you like it?" Ramin asked worriedly.

"I love it," Sierra assured him, kissing his cheek as they sat down.

Love is Ours {See Final Author's Note}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें