Chapter Fourteen

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Ramkn woke up on Thursday with a feeling of dread looming over him.

It was the day of the photo shoot.  He really didn't like modeling at all, and now he had to with Sierra.  He knew she'd look amazing, but he would look awful next to her. 

Ramin sighed as he got dressed and grabbed a quick breakfast before heading out the door. 

Upon arrival at the magazine building, Ramin was immediately ushered into a makeup chair and a team of hairstylists swarmed him, fussing with his hair.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Sierra situating herself in the chair next to his and immediately people fussed with her, applying makeup and fixing her hair.  Though he'd never say it out loud, Sierra could've gone on camera in sweats without makeup and looked amazing.

He groaned internally when a stylist pulled out a hair dryer and aimed it at his head, insisting his hair needed volume.  He heard Sierra giggle as hot air blew into his face.

Finally he was told to go put on his outfit.  As he got up, his eyes met Sierra's, and they grinned at each other. 

Still smiling, Ramin hurried to go change.


"Ready?" Summer asked as they were called over to begin.

Sierra nodded.  She walked slowly to avoid tripping. 

The photographer explained that they were going to start with some group shots and they'd go from there.

For the first picture, Ramin was between Summer and Sierra.  Summer was told to put her hands on Ramin's left shoulder and Sierra was told to rest her head on his right shoulder.  Joseph was on the other side of Sierra, holding her hand.  They were told to not smile.

Sierra couldn't deny that she was quite content with her head on Ramin's shoulder as the camera flashed.  They took a few more group shots in similar poses, and then it was Sierra and Joseph's turn.

Joseph was told to put his hands on Sierra's waist and look at her.  Sierra was instructed to put her hands on Joseph's shoulders but look directly at the camera sadly.  They took a few pictures like that and then Ramin was called up to join Joseph.

Sierra stood by Summer as the boys were instructed to give each other death glares.  They could hardly keep straight faces though and Sierra couldn't help but wonder if those pictures would be any good. 

Then Sierra and Summer were called up.  Since they were supposed to be best friends, they got to have fun while the camera flashed.  As Sierra bounded around with Summer, she could see Ramin watching her, an amused expression on his face.

Sierra had a few pictures taken alone after that, mostly of her looking sad and longingly into the camera.  Then Ramin had alone-pictures, mostly of him just smoldering at the camera.

For the last few pictures, Sierra and Ramin were up.  Sierra was told to face away from Ramin and stare just past the camera while Ramin put his hands on her shoulders from behind.

They took a few pictures like that, and then Sierra was told to stay in that position but turn her head to look at Ramin.  The photographer snapped a few more shots before announcing that was all they needed.

Everyone applauded for a moment before Sierra figured she'd better go change.  She slipped out of the dress without causing injury and gratefully put her yoga pants and tee shirt back on.

As she was walking out, she waved to Summer, who was talking to Joseph and hadn't yet changed.  Sierra crossed to the big revolving door but someone reached out and pushed before Sierra could.

She turned and came face to face with a grinning Ramin.  She returned the smile.

"Thanks," she said as they walked out together.

"Listen, I was wondering if you, uh, wanted to maybe go, uh, somewhere later." He mumbled, tripping over his words.

"Sounds like fun," she agreed.  Ramin looked relieved.

"Okay, so I was thinking we could go check out the, uh, half off ticket booth," he offered.

"Ooh, good idea!" Sierra praised him.  Ramin blushed slightly and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Want to go check it out?" He shrugged his shoulders, obviously not sure what to do with himself.

Sierra giggled as she looped her arm through his.

"Let's go," she said as they began to walk.

They laughed about the photo shoot while they waited in line. 

"My hair probably looks like it's floating or something," Ramin chuckled.  Sierra absentmindedly reached up and mussed his thick, dark hair.  He immediately blushed again and Sierra drew her hand away.

"Well, at least you don't have twenty pounds of makeup on," Sierra argued, trying to change the topic.

"At the very least." Ramin grinned and Sierra laughed.

They were next in line, so they quickly scanned their options.

After a moment of debating, they settled on first row, forty dollar Les Mis tickets.

Before Sierra could object, Ramin had handed over his credit card.  Sierra swatted at his arm as they walked away.

"You didn't have to do that," she mumbled.

"I wanted to," he replied.  Sierra pouted.

"You're at least letting me take you out to dinner before, then." Sierra persuaded him.

"I guess we can't go hungry," Ramin chuckled.

"What time should we go, then?" Sierra asked.

"The show's at eight, so why don't I pick you up at five thirty?" Ramin suggested.

"Sounds good," Sierra agreed as she hailed a taxi.  She climbed in and closed the door, rolling down the window.

"See you at five thirty," Ramin grinned at her.  She smiled up at him and the driver pulled away.

Love is Ours {See Final Author's Note}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin