Chapter Sixteen

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"So, how are things with Mandy?" Sierra asked absentmindedly.

Ramin, who hadn't stopped smiling since they sat down, had a dark look grow over him.  The smile disappeared and Sierra immediately regretted her words.

She'd been genuinely curious; her relationship with Tam was quickly going downhill, but Ramin had every right to be happy.  He deserved to be happy.

"I'm sorry," Sierra quickly apologized. 

They were silent for a minute before their waitress returned to take their meal orders.

Ramin mumbled his order and Sierra chose the first thing she saw.  Their waitress, sensing something was up, quickly took their menus and left the table.

"I'm sorry, Ramin; I shouldn't have asked." Sierra apologized again.

"Sorry, it's just..." Ramin trailed off.  Sierra looked down at her lap and fiddled with her bracelet.

"Let's talk about something else," she suggested quietly.

Ramin shook his head.

"No.  You have every right to know what's going on." He told her.  "I know everything about you and Tam, so it's only fair I tell you about Mandy and I."

Sierra swallowed.  She hadn't wanted their evening to be ruined.

Ramin took a deep breath before he spoke again.

"Mandy and I started dating about five months ago.  Her parents really like me, and they're not all that bad." He began.  Sierra avoided his gaze.

"Mandy was nice at first, but now she's all controlling.  She's like a high school girl," Ramin chuckled, but Sierra could sense the falseness in his laugh.

"A high school girl?" She questioned.

"If I break up with her, she'll make sure my life is "miserable".  That's the high school girl in her." Ramin sighed. 

They were quiet for another minute.

"At least she knows you're a great guy," Sierra whispered.  "I never thought Tam would be this way."  Sierra could feel tears welling up in her eyes.  She quickly brushed them away and took a deep breath.

Ramin put his hand on the table, palm up, and Sierra slowly laced her fingers through his.

"At least we've got each other," Ramin whispered.  Sierra offered a weak smile before she squeezed Ramin's hand and pulled hers away.

Thankfully, their waitress returned with their food at that moment.  She set Ramin's plate of grilled chicken with vegetables in front of him and set a plate of something slimy and brownish-green in front of Sierra.

Sierra wrinkled her nose but didn't say anything until their waitress left, and then Ramin burst into laughter.

"What is this?" Sierra whispered in disgust.

"Looks like snails," Ramin laughed, wiping tears from his eyes.  Sierra stuck her tongue out at him and pushed the plate away. 

She hadn't even known what she ordered because the moment was awkward for her and Ramin.  Had she known she'd accidentally order snails...

"Aww, come on; you can have some of mine." Ramin offered, beginning to slice his chicken up.

"No, no; I'm fine." Sierra protested, but Ramin was already scooping some vegetables and a piece of the chicken onto a bread plate for Sierra.

He set the plate in front of her and Sierra smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks," she said meekly.

"No problem," Ramin grinned. 

They talked about rehearsals and their excitement about moving to the Adelphi that Monday.  Andrew had given them the next day, Friday, off to rest their voices.

At seven twenty, Ramin suggested they get going, so they split the check and headed off to Les Mis.

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