Chapter Twenty Nine

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Sierra sighed happily as she closed the door to her flat after saying goodnight to Ramin.  She grinned as she thought about the surprise she had planned for him:

She was using the excuse of the four month anniversary of the Love Never Dies opening night to take Ramin on a day-trip to Stonehenge. 

That was coming up in two weeks, so she shrugged off her coat and turned on the lights.  She sat at her desk with a sigh and powered up her computer.

Two hours later, when it was nearing two in the morning, she collapsed into bed, feeling a sense of accomplishment.  Sierra smiled to herself as she thought about how excited Ramin would be.


Ramin tore the envelope open with shaky hands.  He took a deep breath before forcing himself to read the words:

Dear Ramin,

You must think that breaking up with me was the right idea. 

You're dead wrong.

Maybe you're wondering why I've waited almost four months to contact you.  Perhaps this will clear some things up.

I know what you're up to, Ramin.  I've seen you with her.  You may not have told anyone else about your little romance, but, trust me, I know every single little detail.

Now, I issue you this question:

Her or me?

I know what you're thinking: her, without a doubt.  But, oh naive little Ramin, it's not that simple.  If you do decide to choose me, you'll have a nice life, free of threats or danger.  If you choose her, bad things will come to you.

Well, they won't come to you exactly.  Rather, you'll be emotionally hurt, but the others will get the physical pain, mixed with a little emotion. 

Since I know your decision, it's time to go break up with your little sweetheart.  Make sure you crush her, or you'll have hell to pay. And if you mention this note, I have my ways, Ramin.

This had better be done soon.

All my love,

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