Chapter Seventeen

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Upon arrival at the Queen's Theatre, Ramin handed their tickets to an usher and they were allowed in.

"Let's get to our seats," Sierra suggested.  Ramin nodded and they wove through the crowds to grab their playbills before finding their seats.

They got to the front row and were delighted to find that they were in the very middle. 

Ramin flipped through his playbill and held it out so that he and Sierra could look together.

Jean Valjean: Simon Bowman
Javert: Norm Lewis
Fantine: Rebecca Seale
Eponine: Samantha Barks
Marius: Alistair Brammer
Cosette: Emily Bull
Enjolras: Killian Donnelly

"How did I not know Norm was performing?" Sierra lightly smacked herself in the head.

"You've worked with Norm?" Ramin questioned, putting the playbill away.

"Yeah, we did The Little Mermaid together.  He was King Triton," Sierra laughed. 

Ramin chuckled at that thought.  A minute later, the lights dimmed and the typical no-cell-phones announcement came over the sound system.


The music thundered and Ramin settled in his seat, getting that little feeling of excitement he always did before a performance.

The production was absolutely amazing, and at intermission he and Sierra shared their thoughts.  It all came down to the same thing: the cast and the sets and the lighting and the music were all simply magnificent.

After the show was over, Sierra had an idea.

"We should go stage door," she smirked. 

"We'd probably get trampled by people," Ramin said doubtfully. 

"We'll go in disguise," Sierra said.  Ramin raised an eyebrow.

"And where do you suggest we get these "disguises?"" He questioned.  Sierra grabbed his hand and pulled him down the aisles without a word.

She led him into the lobby and told him to wait by the doors.  Ramin did as he was told, and ten minutes later Sierra returned with a small bundle in her arms. 

"What's this?" Ramin asked. 

"Our disguises," Sierra said, as though it should've been obvious. 

She reached into the brown paper bag and pulled out a big black sweatshirt that read 24601 across the chest.  She thrust it at Ramin, indicating for him to put it on. 

As Ramin pulled the sweatshirt on and watched Sierra pull an identical pink one on, he was seriously starting to question her sanity.  But in a good way.

"Let's go," Sierra ditched the bag and clutched her playbill as she and Ramin made their way outside.

Ramin followed Sierra to the stage door, which was actually not that crowded.  It seemed like most of the cast was outside signing playbills and taking pictures, so Ramin and Sierra crept to the front of the line, where Simon Bowman was posing for pictures with fans.

Sierra got him to sign both their playbills and take pictures with them before he had to get going.  They got through the rest of the cast, excluding Norm Lewis, who hadn't emerged yet, without being recognized.

Five minutes after the rest of the cast had left, Norm stepped out of the stage door and fans began waving and holding out their playbills.  He patiently signed and posed for pictures until he got to Ramin and Sierra.

Apparently, Sierra had thought ahead, because when she asked Norm to sign her playbill, her voice sounded about ten octaves lower than normal.  Ramin was impressed she could get her voice to go that low.

Norm signed her playbill, a look of confusion etched on his face.  He then signed Ramin's, but he was still looking at Sierra.  He posed for a picture with them before leaving, still looking slightly confused.

Sierra was extremely pleased with herself for not being recognized.  She and Ramin hurried away from the stage door and burst into laughter.

"That was the funniest thing I've seen in my entire life," Ramin choked.  Sierra was doubled over and when she stood, her pink hood fell off, revealing her face.

Suddenly, someone came up from behind Sierra and grabbed her by the waist.  Ramin lunged forward, ready to fight her attacker.

"Gotcha!" A deep voice boomed.  Sierra squealed.

"Norm!" She giggled.  Ramin breathed a sigh of relief before saying hi to Norm.

"I thought that was you at the stage door." Norm chuckled.  Sierra blushed.

"I thought we had you fooled," she mumbled. 

"Well, I am Inspector Javert..." Norm joked and they all laughed. 

After a few minutes of catch up, Norm said he had to go, so he hugged Sierra goodbye and shook Ramin's hand.

Sierra and Ramin set off to their respective flats.  Despite Sierra's protests, Ramin walked her back to her flat.

"Thanks for buying the tickets," Sierra looked guilty. 

"It was my pleasure.  Besides, you helped pay for dinner." Ramin tried to make her feel better.

"And you paid the meter." He added after a moment.  Sierra giggled.

"You're crazy, Karimloo," she chuckled. 

"I've been told that once or twice," he grinned at her.

Suddenly, she was wrapping her arms around him for a goodnight hug, and he didn't hesitate to put his arms around her waist.

When she pulled back, she gently kissed him on the cheek.

"See you Monday," Sierra smiled before entering her flat.

Grinning like an idiot, Ramin headed back to his flat.  Even when lying in his bed later, he couldn't keep the smile off his face.

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