Chapter Twenty Six

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Ramin walked into the Adelphi the next evening with a smile on his face, carrying two cups of coffee.  He nodded at people he passed as he made a beeline for Sierra's dressing room.

He couldn't knock on the door, so he gently tapped it with his foot.  Luckily, Sierra heard, and she called for him to come in.

Ramin pushed the slightly-cracked door open with his foot and walked in.  Sierra was at her makeup table, twisting strands of her hair up in pin curls.  She smiled when she saw it was him.

"Hey, Ramen." She said. 

"Hi, Siruh." He grinned at her.  She laughed and stood, walking over to him.

He held out one of the coffees to her.

"Thought you might want some extra energy before the show," he explained.

"Aww, thanks." She smiled, taking a sip.  Her eyes lit up.

"How did you know peppermint is my favorite?" She questioned.

Ramin blinked; he'd just gotten what he normally did for her, hoping she'd like it. 

"Uh, lucky guess?" He vouched as she laughed again, sitting on one of her couches.

Ramin sat next to her and took one of her hands in his.  They sat there for a few minutes in content silence.

"So, are you ever going to have the nerve to ask me out on a date?  Or are we just going to be friends with benefits?" Sierra asked sarcastically.

Ramin was glad she'd brought that up, because he'd been wondering the same thing. He didn't know if Sierra wanted to jump into another relationship less than twenty four hours after ending one. 

"Well, if a certain girl was available Sunday at six thirty I might be, too." Ramin grinned at Sierra, who chuckled.

"I suppose I can make time," she smiled, her green eyes sparkling.

They spent the next few minutes agreeing to keep their relationship private before Andrew's voice came over the speaker, calling everyone onto the stage for a quick five minute meeting.

Sierra put her wig cap on and threw her and Ramin's empty cups into the garbage can before they left.  She mixed with Summer and Niamh while Ramin walked over to Joseph.

"Everyone, if I could have your attention please!" Andrew called from center stage.  A guy was standing next to him that Ramin hadn't seen before.

"Unfortunately, our Phantom understudy, Mr. Tam Mutu, has quit the show due to personal reasons." Andrew said, clearly stressed and annoyed at having to find a replacement.

Ramin didn't know what to think.  He was glad Tam was gone, but he didn't know what he was planning.  He silently vowed to make sure he never hurt Sierra again.

"I'd like to thank Mr. Jack Hayes for stepping up to take that spot.  Let's welcome Jack to the Original London Cast of Love Never Dies!" Andrew started up a round of applause.

After they'd gotten a chance to say hello to Jack Hayes, Sierra and Ramin walked back to their dressing rooms together.  Since no one else was around, Ramin snuck a quick kiss onto Sierra's cheek before they parted ways.

The show went wonderfully that night, and everyone still felt the adrenaline from their opening the previous day.  Ramin quickly took off his prosthetics and wig before scrubbing his stage makeup off.  He peeled off his costume and changed into street clothes. 

Sierra was just coming out of her dressing room and he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.  He was reminded of the time when Norm had done that after they'd stage doored Les Mis, and he chuckled to himself as Sierra craned her neck back to kiss his cheek.

They walked outside to the stage door together, where they signed autographs and took pictures for about fifteen minutes before heading to their separate cars.

Sierra blew him a kiss as she climbed into the driver's side of her car and he grinned, returning the gesture.  He stood there for a moment as he watched her drive away, thinking about how lucky he was.

Love is Ours {See Final Author's Note}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora