The First Day (Part 1)

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       I stepped through the imaginary barrier between Platform 9 & 10 for my first time on the First of September. It was an amazing sight, so many people milling around in the same place, some dressed as muggles, others as wizards. I didnt know what to say. Of course I already knew what to expect because of my grandfather, Albus Dumbledore, but that didnt mean that it didn't take my breath away. Before I could explore any farther I was ushered onto the train by a flustered Liana Dumbledore, otherwise known as my mother, and Alex Dumbledore, my father. The second I boarded the train I was bumped and jostled around by the many children. One older student pushed me aside and sneered.

      "Tiny first year, what are you thinking of getting in the way of me! You're probably just some filthy mudblood."

       I was sure I was in the presence of my first Slytherin. So I drew myself up to my full height--which wasn't very impressive--and spoke in my meanest voice--which was impressive--

        "Actually I am the daughter of Alex  Dumbledore, future Minister of Magic, and granddaughter of Albus Dumbledore, head of your school! So I suggest you back away before I kick your ungrateful butt back to Diagon Alley..literally!"

This seemed to catch him off guard and he immediately backed off. I "hmmphed" and walked away, passing an appreciative platinum blonde first year and...HARRY POTTER!? I stopped and turned around, awestruck. Yes it was definently him...I should...introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is Amara Dumbledore" I said in my most seductive voice (yes i know im only eleven but still!) "And you are?"

His mouth hung open before he caught himself, but he did, and replied with:

"H-hullo, I'm Harry, Harry Potter. Nice to meet you. W-would you l-like to sit with me?"

I nodded and we headed off, we entered his cabin where I met Hermione Granger, a bushy haired, buck-toothed first year who was very smart (but i could see the beauty too), and Ron Weasley, a red haired boy who liked to eat too much. We talked and laughed the whole ride to Hogwarts and oohed/aahed during the boat ride until we reached the great hall and lined up for the sorting. I have to admit I was extremely nervous. I reached the stool after what felt like hours and sat down, my heart racing....

"Ahhhhh hello Ms. Dumbledore. I have been very excited to meet you for a long time. Let's have the Griffindor qualities of your father, brave and loyal. Ahh but much more your Slytherin mother, very sly, cunning, controlling...I see your future will be full of hard decisions. I give you this advice, be strong and follow your heart, you both will come around. (Since when could the sorting hat read my fricking future!?) I hope one day you will understand why I made my decision...

"Oh no" I said quietly, the hat was going to put me in Slytherin, it does make sense, those qualities are very prominent in me...I tried to convince myself.

The sorting hat's brim opened wide and...

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