There's No Place Like...Home

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I woke up to the sun shining through my window, and a warm arm encircling my waist. I sighed and turned slowly to face him, my one and only. I rested my hand lightly on the side of his face, and his eyes opened. I reeled backwards, his eyes were no longer the gorgeous blue I had fallen for, they were jet black, no white at all. He smiled menacingly, pulling me closer. I screamed, fighting to break away, but he held me tightly. My right hip began to burn, in the place where his left forearm held me. I looked down, watching as he lifted his arm. My skin was red and blistered, the fabric of my pants burned away, but this was not what made me scream again. It was the sight of the terrifying black skull and snake tatooed on his arm. The Dark Mark.

I awoke with a scream, sitting bolt upright in my bed. Draco yelled as well and sat up next to me.

"Are you ok? What happened?" He said, a wild look in his eyes. His once again blue eyes.

I sighed, relieved. It had only been a dream. "I had a nightmare, it's ok." I said. My living room was bright with the light of morning, and I stretched quickly, eager to escape the couch where my nightmare had ensued. He followed hesitantly, watching as I rummaged through my dad's old clothes. "Here, you can borrow some of my Dad's clothes if you want, I don't have any for you." Draco caught them easily, looking at me oddly for a moment, then walked out of the room to change.

I walked into the kitchen, meeting my house elf, Mista, along the way. "Hey Mista, what's up?" I smiled at her. Mista wasn't a servant to me, she had been my only friend for years before I went to Hogwarts, and she still was my best friend.

"Master Dumbledore won't be happy to hear about this Miss. The man upstairs is not one that Master Dumbledore likes!" She warned me.

"We aren't gonna tell Master Dumbledore though, are we?" I said, shooting her a playful glare.

She shook her head, acting ashamed of me, "No, I guess we aren't..." I laughed at her response, but turned to make myself some breakfast.

"Mista, can you make the man upstairs some breakfast? He should be down soon." I asked politely. She immediately busied herself in the fridge. I shook my head, turning to the cabinets to find myself some breakfast as well, and was surprised when a strong pair of arms wrapped me up. I screeched loudly, surprised, and Draco laughed softly in my ear.

"Good morning doll." Draco whispered, then walked over to the fridge, kneeling down to help Mista get the ingredients. I stared at him, surprised. He turned. "What? Don't think I can make my own breakfast?" He asked.

"No," I replied, "I'm just surprised that you're being nice to Mista" He looked at me smugly, as if what I said was ridiculous, then continued preparing his meal. I sighed, but returned to searching the cabinet. After a little while, I found a small box at the back. Grandma Witch's POP Tarts, it said. I shrugged, then grabbed them and dropped two into the toaster.

Draco and I ate quietly, both of us thinking of what was to come. We were in too deep with each other to back out now, and that was something we had just now both figured out. The enemies who fell in love... I thought. He caught my eye and smiled at me from across the table. I couldn't help but smile back. Yup, this was bad. After a few minutes, we both got up and I walked across the room to the couches, flopping down on one. Draco followed. My parents will be back in two days, I thought. Or at least, thats what the note said...THE NOTE! I sat upright quickly and rushed to the phone, dialing the number before Draco could even ask what was happening.

"Hello? Amara?" My Dad's voice rang through the phone.

"Hey Dad! I'm home! Sorry for the confusion, I thought I saw my friend and went to look, but by the time I figured out she wasn't there, you were gone. I went straight home, but it took a while to walk so I stayed at the Leaky Cauldron for a few nights. I'm so sorry I didn't call earlier. How's the trip?"

There was silence for a moment, then he answered. "It's great! We miss you though!"

"I miss you too! I hope you are having a great time, but I have to run, I haven't been able to do any Quidditch practice, so I plan on getting out there today." I said

"Oh, that's fine then. Call me later. See you in two days!" He said, then hung up.

I let out a breath of relief, then turned to Draco. He was looking quizzically at me again. "What?" I said, walking back to the couch.

"Nothing, I guess." He replied.

"Well then, are you gonna stay or not?" I said, waggling my eyebrows. He laughed, but I cut him off quickly with a kiss. He responded by wrapping his arms around me, pulling me to him. I smiled into the kiss, enjoying being able to spend time with him. I broke away and skipped to the couch, turning on my father's muggle T. V. Draco laughed at my childishness but joined me. I flipped the channel to Witches and Warlocks. The best wizard romance ever created.
     "Oh no, nonono we are not watching this, he made a grab for the remote but I danced away. He eyed me challengingly and I raised my eyebrows in return. Without warning he tackled me to the ground playfully. I screamed, pain emanating from my ribs. I had forgotten, in my hasty playfulness, about Pansy breaking them. Draco shot upright, alarmed.

"Are you ok?" He said, scanning me for any signs of injury.

"I'm fine!" I lied, trying to divert his attention back to the now forgotten remote.

He pushed me away. "No, you aren't. This has something to do with what happened before I found you. First you lie to me, then your dad, and now this? What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing! Nothing happened! I can't tell you!" I yelled, thinking of what had happened with Blaise. Draco could never know.

"FINE! If you won't tell me, I'm leaving!" He yelled back at me. "I'm going through enough, I don't need you messing with me too!" He got up, and stormed across the room towards the door.

"Draco wait! Why are you mad at ME? You're the one pressuring me! What happened to being NICE?!" I screamed at his back. He turned around, fire blazing in his eyes, and looked at me once. I glared back. Then he turned, opened the door, and walked out. Slamming it shut behind him. I sobbed once, letting the tears stream from my eyes, then turned and walked up the stairs, ignoring Mista's inquisitive stare.

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