The Slug Club (PART TWO)

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I found myself in a crowded room full of mismatched items stacked in huge piles everywhere. There was every item you could imagine, from tiaras to motorcycle parts to broken wands. But before I could investigate any farther I saw a flash of blonde hair rounding a corner and hurried to catch up.

There Malfoy stood, in front of a dark wood cabinet muttering spells. I thought he looked ridiculous, but you never know. He concentrated hard, and I just then noticed how cute he was...NO! I would not think that, NO! I shoved the thought out of my mind. In my concentration I stepped forward onto a broken wand and snapped it once again. Malfoy turned quickly and through something into the air, everything went dark. I recognized the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder at once and didn't even try to light my wand. Draco stepped towards me in the darkness.

"Who's there?" He called, nervous.

"Amara" I said quietly.

He exhaled slowly and felt his way towards me. He bumped in to me in the darkness and i felt electric again. He must have felt it too because he tentatively stepped forward again and brushed my hand with his, it was electricity. I felt him move to kiss me in the dark and was about to let him when I remembered Jason.
"Oh nonononono Jason." I murmured as the lights came back on. I stared at his face for half a second before sprinting out of the room while Draco ran after me.
"Wait! Amara wait! I'm sorry! Please don't go!"
I felt awful for him but there was no way I was going to cheat on Jason. I ran out onto the second floor, doing my best to ignore my feelings. I felt awful, just awful. But at the same time I was still thinking about Draco.
I jumped into bed and wiped away a few stray tears. There was no way I was going to fall for Malfoy. No way. Yet in that moment I knew in the end I would give in. I just wouldn't except it quite yet.

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