Slugs and Secrets

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"So Amara" I see that you have developed an interest in Draco Malfoy..." Dumbledore asked casually, but I wasn't buying it.

"No I haven't...What are you talking about?" I said nervously.

"I want you to know that denying something doesn't make it go away. You need to try it out, attempt it before shoving it aside. You may find that it suits you well..." His eyes twinkled at the last words and I tried not to blush. "When you are ready you will come around, you are a Dumbledore after all..." He said in a final way, showing me that it was time for me to leave. I smiled, relieved that someone finally understood. I began to walk away before he called me back. "I believe you could probably talk with that Hermione girl, she seems to have good advice..." He smiled. I shook my head, shocked that I was having this conversation with my Grampa, then pushed open the wooden doors, heading into a whole new Hogwarts experience.


Hermione, Harry, and I had been invited to yet another Slug club "meeting". This time we had been invited to his very famous Christmas party. Today was the day before I went off for Christmas break and, with my Grampa's permission, I was planning on making Draco my target. I checked my outfit for the 50th time, making sure everything was perfect and walked out of my room, grabbing my bag on the way. I walked through the portrait of the fat lady and out into the hallway, looking in every room for some sign of blonde hair. When I finally made my way to the Potions classroom, Draco was still nowhere to be found. Disappointed, I collected my books at the end of class and walked out.

The rest of the day was a boring blur, unless you count a groveling Jason entertaining, which, on any other day, I would. When classes finally ended and we were sent to dinner, I still had not seen Draco anywhere. I looked hopefully over to the Slytherin table, but no luck. He was still gone. Not surprisingly, so were his two goons, Crabbe and Goyle. I listened half-heartedly to the conversations coming from the Griffindor table, until I heard one that caught my interest.

"I'm telling you, he's a Death Eater! We saw his ceremony didn't we?" Harry argued as Ron and Hermione just shook their heads. I scooted closer. "He's working on something in the Room of Requirement, I just know it...and he cursed Katie Bell!" Intrigued, I moved over so I was sitting right next to Harry, and asked:

"Who is this mystery Death Eater?" Although I was almost sure I already knew who.

"Malfoy...It fits perfectly, his Dad just failed his mission for Voldemort, and he must be trying to win his family's honor back!" Harry exclaimed. I was starting to get my doubts too, but I continued to play along for the rest of dinner, at least it was something to talk about.


Slughorn's Christmas Party:

I entered the Dungeons for the second time today, wearing a gorgeous red sparkling dress that hugged my curves and dipped low in the front, the V-neck gorgeously diamond-studded. It dragged along the ground for about a foot, with long sleeves to pull off the elegant look. I entered the room to see curtains hanging down and beautiful Christmas decorations in every corner. Slughorn waddled over to me immediately.

"Why hello Ms. Dumbledore! You look beautiful tonight, as usual...please join us!" He gestured with his hand to the semi-crowded room, and I made my way over to Harry. He looked quite disgruntled.

"Quite a crowd here don't you think? I've just met the author of Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires, an actual vampire, the Weird Sisters, and Hermione, running away from Cormac Mcladden..." Harry said.

"Ya, she better get away from him, or she might just find herself with a love potion in her drink!" I whispered bitterly, shooting a glare in Mcladden's direction. We were then caught up in an awkward conversation with Slughorn, Professor Trelawney, and Snape, when a commotion at the door attracted our attention. There he was, Draco Malfoy, being dragged in the door by Filch, claiming he had been invited to the party. After Slughorn decided that Draco could stay, and a grumbling Filch exited, the party began again as normal, but I was still very focused on Draco. He began to thank Slughorn, although he still looked troubled. Just then Snape walked up to Draco and requested a word with him, although Slughorn protested, Draco and Snape left the party and swiftly began walking down the corridor. Harry and I looked at eachother, and simultaneously began following the two, leaving the party behind.

Snape and Malfoy rounded another corner and stopped in the middle of a deserted hall, while Harry and I hid behind a door, watching carefully. Harry put his hand on my back, and I squirmed uncomfortably, but tried not to shrug him off. Draco began arguing about something being his mission, and that Snape was trying to steal his glory. At the very last second Harry shoved me out of the way just as the door swung open and Draco stormed through it, disappearing around another corner. Harry and I looked at eachother once again, then, as Snape came through the door as well, Harry pulled on the invisibility cloak and headed back towards the party. Once I was sure he was out of sight, I raced in the other direction, after an angry Draco.

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