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I awoke covered in sweat, holding my baby brother. He had been having nightmares lately and insisted on sleeping in my bed and no matter how hard I tried, i couldn't say no. As for the sweat, it was September 16, what do you expect? I got up quietly, hoping not to wake him, it was a Saturday, I would want to sleep in if I were him. Today was the first Hogsmeade trip of the year and I was extremely excited, It had been a while since I had gone and it would be the first time I would get to see my boyfriend since the first day, we had both been so busy with homework that we hadn't gotten to hang out. He was a cute Ravenclaw brunette in 7th year and all the girls were after him, but i would destroy them if they came too close, so they stayed away.

I walked into Hogsmeade quickly, excited to see Jason (my boyfriend) again. He said he would meet me outside the Three Broomsticks at Noon so I didn't have much time. I got there at 11:57 and waited, and waited, and waited. I eventually began to worry because i hadnt seen him yet. Just as I was about to leave a dark figure swooped out of the shadows and pinned me against the wall. I tried to scream but they covered my mouth and quickly kissed me on the cheek. I sighed in relief and kissed Jason's cheek before pulling him back and putting my lips to his. I had missed him.

"So how have you been Amara?" He asked in his british accent. (I love British accents, even if im British)

"Great now that you're here." I said back to him. He smiled and dragged me inside. We ordered our butterbeers and drank in healthy silence before heading out and browsing the stores until it was time to go back to the carriages. I wasnt done with him yet though. "Want to go up to the owlery?" I asked him.
     "Of course, my love"
     We spent the day looking out at the beautiful scenery that was Hogwarts, I loved my school just as much as my grandpa did, and couldn't imagine being anywhere else. I laughed with Jason, and talked with him, but always felt off. He was the best boyfriend ever, but just didn't seem real to me, I shoved the feeling aside.
     Just as the sun was beginning to set, Jason and I walked hand in hand to the Griffindor dorms. We spent the night sorting through the chudley cannons players, debating on who was the best. Finally, when if Jason didn't leave he would get caught, he sighed, standing up to say his goodbye. He had barely given me my good night kiss when the door opened and a high screech broke us apart.

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