Hermione's makeover

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I walked into the Great Hall a few days after breaking up with Jason, and I felt great. It was nice not to be the taken one anymore and be able to look at my options. The second I walked in Jason immediately ran up to me.

"Amara please listen, I'm so sorry, she means nothing to me, please take me back!!!" He pleaded. I laughed, he had been doing this for days since I humiliated him but I wasn't buying it. Any guy who would do that couldn't change in a couple of days.
     "Why would I take you back? All you are is a lying cheater. You know what? Talking to you is just wasting my breath, there are places I'd rather be." I left him standing alone and went to stand by Hermione.

Hermione looked at me in a very surprised but admiring way. "You go girl!" She whispered and I giggled. I saw her cast a very poorly concealed jealous look across the table at Lavender and Ron snogging, and I forgot all about my troubles. Today was the day Hermione would get her guy, I would make sure of it.


Hermione P.O.V:

I followed Amara into our room nervously, hoping this would work, but trying not to show it. She had promised me that she would help me and Ron to finally be together. Ever since the first Quidditch game that the Griffindors had played Lavender and Ron had been inseparable, and I was tired of it. This had really showed me how I felt about Ron. I was ready for him to know too. Amara approached me excitedly, holding a bag of makeup. I shrugged and decided to follow her lead. She began bustling in her makeup bag and told me to close my eyes. In a span of about ten minutes, I felt things drawing, powdering, and gently swiping all across my face, and when I eventually opened my eyes and looked in a mirror, I saw the most gorgeous Hermione ever looking back at me, even better then at the Yule ball. She looked mysterious, beautiful, and incredibly natural. I couldn't believe how well Amara had accentuated my features. She quickly fixed my hair into a messy but beautiful bun and we sat down to make a plan.

I walked down the girl's stair case carefully, having just decided what to tell Ron a few minutes before. He sat in a chair across from Harry, playing wizard's chess. Lavender was missing. Thank goodness. I walked up to them carefully and began to watch their game. Ron looked at me hopefully, but then looked away. I smiled. Harry eventually went down to dinner in the Great Hall, but Ron stayed. Looking at me.
     "We need to talk" I said quietly. Ron nodded. "Ever since we were younger I knew that I had feelings for you but I was too annoyed or headstrong to tell you. But when I saw you with lavender I couldn't ignore it anymore. I'm done with all of our stupid games Ron, I actually want to be with you now."
     Ron was silent for a bit, seemingly struggling with something. "I missed you Hermione, and I know that I love you. Lavender was never for me, and I'm sorry for making you jealous, even though it worked." I punched him in the arm at that. "I want to be with you too, so please forgive me. I will end things with Lavender as soon as I can if it means I can be with you."
     I smiled, happy that things had finally worked out for me and feeling undeniably grateful to Amara. "Of course." I said to Ron, jumping into his arms and kissing my true love for the first time.

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