Have a Holly Jolly Christmas...Or Not.

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Amara P.O.V:

Ok, so maybe my Grandfather had been right. I did like Draco, and things were going really well between us...I just hoped it would last. Just a couple days ago when we were leaving Hogwarts to go home for winter break, I received a few suspicious looks from the Slytherins, I knew that they were onto Draco and I. We had tried to sneak a few stolen moments with each other, but we both knew the transfiguration charms weren't strong enough. 
Snapping away from this relentless backstory, let's get back to the present...which isn't much better. How am I supposed to sit through a whole entire car ride with my Parents and Grandpa when I can't stop thinking about Draco? Yes, I did say car ride, my whole family was heading to the MOM for my father's meeting. Apparently my mom thought the ride would be a good time for "family bonding". All I wanted to bond with right now was Draco's lips. I sighed inwardly and slumped backwards into the cushioned chair, my eyes barely level with the windowsill. That's when I saw her, I sat upright abruptly and turned my head. Sure enough, there she stood, her puggish face twisted into a scowl. None other than Pansy Parkinson. When the car stopped about a quarter of a mile away from her, I told my parents I had to go to the bathroom, and casually began walking back towards what I knew was going to be an angry Pansy.

I strutted past the last street sign and towards the place I had seen Pansy last. At last the blurry sidewalk came into view...but there was no Pansy. I turned in a quick 360, sure I had just seen her. My face scrunched up in confusion just as the spell hit.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Pansy yelled from behind me, my body froze and I fell to the ground in a rigid heap. "Well look who it is...cute little Amara...you think you can hang out with my boyfriend and I won't find out?" She walked forward slowly, then kicked me hard in the side. I wanted to scream, but of course, I couldn't. "Well turns out I have my sources..what did you use huh? A love potion, Confundus, Imperio!?" She kicked me again every time she came up with an idea. I knew at least a rib was broken, but I couldn't be sure. "Whatever you did to poor Drakie-poo, it's over now...He's mine, and in case you don't remember that, I've arranged for you to stay somewhere a little more...isolated, you could say." She smirked and turned to the bushes. "Oh Blaise!" Just as she had said, out walked Blaise, looking totally indifferent and soldier-like. Pansy grabbed my hair roughly and lifted my limp body up with it. She did the counterspell to my body bind but before I could react, "Stupify!", and my world disappeared.

I woke up in the dark. I knew I was hanging, by the weight on my hands, and also by the fact that, well, I was hanging. My arms were suspended above my head, held by something, and my legs were fastened securely below me. I bet I looked like some kind of ridiculous human starfish. Just then I heard a deep voice come from the shadows. "Good, you're awake, I've been waiting." Blaise shifted into the light, his eyes watching me carefully, like lasers almost.

"You disgust me..." I whispered, venom in my voice. "How long have you even been keeping me here? Blaise smiled.

"Only about three days so far, it took you longer than expected to wake up. I guess Pansy was pretty angry...." He sat down across from me, studying my face curiously. It reminded me of the way Draco would look at me, just without the love. Suddenly Blaise stood and walked over to me, I watched him curiously.
     "Well, I have you around here for a while, might as well try." Blaise walked over to me, caught my face, and kissed me. I was totally shocked, realizing I had had no idea Blaise thought of me this way. His kiss was soft but demanding, with just a hint of smugness, just like Draco's. Without realizing it I had kissed him as well. I knew the only reason this was happening was because of Draco, and my apparent zero self control when it came to him, but I had to remind myself that this wasn't Draco. This was a kidnapper, and a freak. I had to start acting like myself. I formulated a plan. I allowed my hands to twist in my bindings as if I was annoyed, and Blaise got the point, pressing a button on the wall to let me down.

I fell to the ground and wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling disgusted by how I had to get out. He relaxed his stiff posture and I knew I had him. I took my hand off from around his neck and casually put it on his waist, searching for my wand. I felt the familiar groove of it and whipped it out quicker than he could react. "STUPEFY!" I yelled. He crumpled to the floor and I sprinted out the door, not waiting a second longer for him to wake up.

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