The Anger of Draco Malfoy

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Draco P.O.V:

I stomped up through the castle, literally planning on murdering Cormac if he got too close. The idiot decided to hit on Amara with a love potion? And that wasn't even the end, he humiliated her in front of everybody and in no way would I let him get away with it. After about ten minutes of searching I found him in the Great Hall, boasting to his friends about how Amara had confessed her love for him and how they were dating. I walked directly up to him and punched him square in the nose. He fell to the floor in pain, but I wasn't done. I kicked him in the side then dropped beside him, yelling in his face.

"How dare you do that to Amara!? You coward! You can't even try to get her to date you the right way!" I felt myself being lifted from him by a pair of soft but strong hands. Amara looked at me and mouthed I got this.

"You idiot. Even if I weren't under that love potion I would never fall for you. Not after you embarrassed me and tricked me into dating you." Amara quietly said, her voice deadly. "Oh and by the way, we're breaking up." She then spat at him, looked back, and kicked him for good measure. Man that girl was amazing.


I walked out of the Room of Requirement for the millionth time so far, still disappointed. He was going to kill me, there was no way I could do this. I rounded the corner, still thinking, and was grabbed from a nearby broom closet and pushed inside. There stood a very angry Amara, her makeup in streaks running down her face, she must have been crying.

"Dang it Draco! My life was great before you! Why did you have to ruin it!!! JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!! I don't need you to be another problem for me!!!!" She yelled, the tears running again. I stood stunned as she began to walk away. Then I came to my senses.

"Wait Amara!" I yelled and grabbed her arm, the familiar electric feeling coming again. "I can't stay away from you! I don't know why and I don't think I ever will. Why can't you just understand that! You are the only thing keeping me sane right now! Don't leave me..." My voice ending in a whisper and trailing away. She stiffened as I talked. She stood with her back to me for a little while, as if contemplating, then turned quickly and crashed her lips onto mine. Her kiss full of pain and longing. She pulled back after a little while and whispered sadly, a single tear escaping her right eye, the word that destroyed my world.

"Please" Then she walked away from me quickly and determinedly, acting like she had not just broken my heart.

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