The Slug Club (Part ONE)

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It was the day of Slughorn's dinner party and though I would never admit it I was excited. Not for the party, just to have an excuse to get out of the common room. Quidditch tryouts were coming up soon and with Harry as captain, things were getting crazy. I made my way through the daily classes. Transfiguration was mildly interesting, Ancient Runes not at all, Potions was, with Slughorn as teacher, difficult and fun at the same time. I eventually managed to get through the day and make my way to the Griffindor common room to get ready. I wore a blood red lace dress and paired it with a thin black belt, black pumps and natural makeup. I must say I looked good.

I skipped down the steps, careful not to trip in my heels, and slowly made my way into the dungeons. It got cold fast and I suddenly wished I had brought a jacket, but it was too late now so I kept walking. I reached a green door labeled Slughorn, which behind I heard small talk and laughter, so I walked in. Everyone stopped talking and looked over, and one of my Ravenclaw friends whistled, laughing. The conversations continued and eventually Hermione and Ginny got there and we began to talk quietly until Slughorn interrupted. He asked all of us about our famous inlaws or about our talents, ruling out a few as not worthy of the next Slug club. I was one of the few to be aloud to return (yippee).

"So Amara" Said Slughorn, "I hear your Dad is the MOM, am I correct?

"Yes sir" I said, trying not to roll my eyes.

"And your Grandfather the one and only Albus Dumbledore? So how does that work?"

"My father was born to Albus and his wife of 20 years, they split when he was only 9 years old. My mother was born to Donald Matthews, the Irish quidditch player." I explained for the millionth time in my life.

This continued on for a while until eventually he let us go back, Harry stayed behind for "personal business" and the rest of us left. That's when I saw Malfoy cross a hall to my left, looking nervous. That wasnt the way to the Slytherin common room so I followed him curiously. Malfoy climbed the steps and crossed hallways for what seemed like forever, before he finally stopped in front of a wall. He muttered something and passed in front of it a couple times before a door appeared. My curiosity got the best of me and I followed him in.

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