Shopping with a Malfoy

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I ran away as fast as I could, afraid that Blaise would wake up and find me. I couldn't believe myself for falling for Blaise even for a second. It's true, he reminded me a lot of the way Draco acted, but that doesn't mean it is Draco. But why did I even like Draco? He was just another Slytherin jerk, it's not like he actually cares, I tried to convince myself. I kept running, wiping away a few stray tears that had run down my cheeks. I saw a few lights from a city glinting in the hazy air and ran harder towards them, hoping maybe I would find somebody I knew. Finally I reached the city and looked up at the sign. Diagon Alley, that was perfect. Everybody would be here at Christmas time! I smiled and began dodging through the crouds, looking up at faces to see if there was anyone I recognized. Suddenly my foot caught on another shoe and I went careening directly into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry I just tripp-" I looked up and found myself staring directly into the face of Draco Malfoy. Why did this keep happening!?

We sat in silence. Me drinking my butterbeer, that, may I add, he bought for me, and him staring holes through my head. The tension was so real I felt like I could reach out and touch it. Really I just wanted to reach out and touch him. I yearned for those moments we had spent laughing and looking at the stars in the wee hours of the morning at Hogwarts. But things were different now. There would be no laughing and being together in public, we were enemies. So why was he taking me in? Draco cleared his throat, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blushed nervously, wait...why?

"What were you doing out in the street?" He asked in what I suppose was him trying to sound casual.

"Well I got-" I stopped. Why was I telling him? That would just lead to more questions. "Nothing, I got ice cream, that's it. But I dropped it before I got here.." I trailed off.  He stared at me suspiciously.

"You're lying, but I won't pressure you, I'm doing this new thing where I try to be nice. I smiled slowly, then he laughed, and I laughed, and then there we were, Amara Dumbledore and Draco Malfoy, laughing together.

"Don't worry." I said when I finally stopped laughing, "I'm about the meanest Gryffindor there is..." My smiled faded and I trailed off.

"Oh whatever Dumbledore," He said. I smiled. "Now if I am remembering correctly, I promised you a new dress not to long ago?" He laughed, remembering my girly scream. I blushed angrily.

"Yes you did, and I expect it to be a very nice dress, after you attacked me and destroyed my last one!" Draco laughed ignoring my fake anger. His smile was contagious and soon enough I laughed too. Draco stood up a few minutes later and offered me his hand. I got up and walked past his outstretched palm, turning around to blow him a kiss, then walked out the door.

"How about this one?" I said, walking out of the dressing room to show off a knee high Aqua colored dress to an incredibly uncomfortable-looking Draco. He shifted awkwardly, then scanned the dress, his appraising eyes making me slightly uncomfortable.
"It's alright." He said after a little while. I snorted, then turned and walked back towards the endless isles of gorgeous dresses. I scanned the different colored gowns with little interest, most of them being light pinks and the happy colors that I couldn't stand. Finally the vibrant pinks and pastel blues tapered off and were replaced by darker blues and rich purples. I sighed in relief. Skimming the gorgeous dresses with my eyes, I finally found a dress of a deep, rich red, embroidered with diamonds, and picked it off the rack. I walked into the dressing room quickly, ignoring Draco's questioning look. The dress slipped over my shoulders perfectly when I closed the dressing room door. The silk flowed across my skin, smoothly fitting to the contours of my body. I looked up into the mirror, and my jaw dropped. The girl before me stood proud and tall, the perfect red dress showing just enough skin. The dress flowed down from her waist, the silk fabric dragging for about a foot on the ground. I opened the door to the dressing room and hesitantly stepped out.
Draco sat in the waiting room, awkwardly uncrossing and crossing his legs, his eyes snapped up at the sound of the door opening and his mouth fell open. I smirked, laughing internally at his reaction, but also secretly being relieved that he liked it, which frustrated me.
"So how about this one?" I asked innocently when I had put an end to my eternal battle.
"It's...perfect." He said, stunned, then tried to correct himself, "I could be better, but I think it'll do." I glared at him, then stalked to the counter.
"Excuse me..." I said to the saleswoman, "I'd like to buy this please?" I smiled as she appraised me.
"You look gorgeous!" She said, "Any real man would kill for you..." I laughed as she glanced pointedly at Draco.
"Well then, Mr. It Could Be Better, get out your money," I watched carefully as he payed the nice woman, then continued my sentence, "Cuz we're getting shoes next." I laughed as he groaned, then took his hand and led him out of the store.

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