Quidditch tryouts

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I lay in bed two weeks after the Draco incident still thinking about it. How was I supposed to ignore him if things like this kept happening? I would have to try. I still hadn't broken up with Jason and I wasn't planning on it. He and the Trio were the only things holding me back, and I knew I needed to keep it that way.

Today was the day of the quidditch tryouts and things were crazy! People kept pushing up to Harry to try and secure their way onto the team, but he wasn't having it. He tried to convince me to try out for the team but even though I knew I was good, I was still really nervous and refused to try out. I decided that since the tryouts were taking place in ten minutes, I might as well watch. So I headed down to the field and sat next to Hermione. She seemed extremely nervous for Ron and I knew why. He was a great player, but he got just as nervous as I did. I turned my head to watch Harry come down the hill, surrounded by Quidditch players, some not even from Gryffindor. Then I saw a blonde head bobbing down to the course and decided maybe I did want to try out.

"Accio Nimbus 2003!" I yelled and my new broom came soaring down to the course. I bounded down the steps and grabbed it, heading towards the group of waiting Griffindors. (The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws had already been sent back). I joined the group of waiting beaters (yes I am a beater) and watched as almost every single player failed to make the team. Ron beat Mclaggen after the latter swerved directly out of range from where the ball was going (I turn my suspicions on Hermione) and finally it was the beaters turn. I flew up onto the course and took a deep breath, then as the bludger came racing towards me I hit it perfectly at one of the chasers on the field, knocking her off her broom.

"Your a girl! You cant be a beater you're not strong enough!" Sneered one of the on looking Slytherins. I would make him pay for that! I thought and aimed my next bludger directly at his face, I heard a loud crack as my ball met its mark and the accompanying wail of the Slytherin.

Let's just say I made the team.


I walked through the portrait hole to be blasted by the sound of music and the feel of a party. The Griffindors were celebrating after the Quidditch trials and I wanted to join in. The last few weeks had been very stressful and I was excited to let loose. I danced over to Hermione, enjoying the fact that she was finally letting herself have fun. We laughed and convinced Ginny to join us on the dance floor. Suddenly a great (terrible) idea came to me. I grabbed both of the girls and hauled them onto one of the tables, my closer friends cheering us on. I led the crowd in a synchronized dance, surprised at how I wasn't nervous at all. We danced for about an hour, doing some muggle dances like the Macarena and the "hit the quan?" Dance. I jumped down to the laughs and fake boos of my house and accidentally bumped into Mcladden. He handed me a water and we kept dancing. I was surprised at how he didn't seem to be angry about the tryouts anymore and instead just kept dancing. I downed the water quickly, for my crazy dances were dehydrating, and couldn't help but feel like it tasted weird.
I ignored it and kept dancing.

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