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I ran off in front of him, turning only to see if he had caught up yet. It was a few hours after I had dragged him into three different shoe stores, looking for the perfect pair. By the time I finally found them, Draco had found a quiet corner to sleep in, so I just grabbed his wallet and bought them myself. Hopefully he wouldn't mind the cost...oops! I laughed as he ran past me, taking advantage of me stopping.

"That's not faaaiiir!" I whined as I ran after his retreating form. He chuckled quietly, then turned around and waited for me to catch up. We began walking again towards the Leaky Cauldron, for I had somehow made it to Diagon Alley after escaping Blaise. For a little while, we walked in silence, what was there to talk about? My mysterious appearance, why he took me in? I slowly looked at him from the corner of my eye. He was staring at me, a question burning in his that he refused to ask. I looked away. The wall of the Leaky Cauldron came into view, and we entered quietly. I refused to acknowledge the questioning stares of the people there. Amara Dumbledore and Draco Malfoy? They all seemed to whisper through my head. I walked confidently to the front desk. The short, hunchbacked man stared up at me from the counter. I never even bothered to ask for his name... I realized. Never mind that.

"I want two broomsticks for transportation to the Minister of Magic's home, please." I commanded.

"We do not offer that kind of transportation to the general public." The little man rasped.

"I am not the general public! My name is Amara Dumbledore, daughter of Alex Dumbledore, Minister of Magic!" I said haughtily, "And this is Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy...we are no general public." My voice dropped to a lower octave on my last sentence, taking on a familiar threatening tone. The man nodded quickly and disappeared into a door labeled STORAGE. I turned to Draco.

"You're cute when you're angry." He said as I turned to glare at him, a blush lighting my face. He laughed and turned back to the counter as the man returned with two brooms. I mentally kicked myself, no more slip ups Amara! He can't get to you like this! I gratefully took the broom and walked out of the door as quickly as I could, leaving Draco behind.


I'd forgotten what it felt like to be on a broom, the wind sweeping through my hair, the sunlight shining upon my back. I laughed, letting the joyous sound rip from my mouth and fly away on the breeze. I swooped downward, letting the wind take me through a series of loops and dips. Draco chuckled from behind me, watching my every move. I didn't care, this was the only place in the world that I could truly be myself without doubting the way I looked, or what people were thinking of me. Draco sailed underneath me, taking away my lead. I wasn't going to let that happen, if Harry could beat this kid in Quidditch, I could beat him in flying. I willed my broom to go faster, leaving Draco scrambling far behind. I laughed out loud, continuing my acrobats in the air.

Way to soon, the looming mansion that was my home came into view. I reluctantly sailed downwards towards it. The large windows and auburn panels whipped past me as I dove towards the ground, and before I could say goodbye to the freedom of the air, my feet touched the ground. The soft thump beside me signified that Draco had made it down as well. I had no way of knowing what day it was, and my family had scheduled to go on a mandatory MOM trip four days after the meeting we were heading to when I was kidnapped. They were probably gone by now. I took a step back, the first signs of panic starting to make their way into my head. What am I going to do? My family is gone, and Pansy could find me at any time. I thought. My breathing quickened. Draco shifted behind me, but I continued to panic. How am I going to be safe? Surely Pansy won't allow such lenient security for me again.

"It's okay Amara, what's wrong?" Draco's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and my racing heartbeat began to slow.

"My family isn't here. They are probably gone for my Dad's business trip by now..." I said slowly.

"Why is that such a big deal? Are you afraid of being alone?" He said.

"No...It's just-" I stopped. Didn't I decide not to tell him about what had happened? "Nothing, just nothing. I'm fine." He looked at me quizzically, but didn't question me any further.

"Let's get you inside." He said, and led me through the door.

There was a note laying on the table, I rushed over to it.

Amara, if you get this, it means you are safe and home again. We had to go on the trip, you knew that, but we will be back in three days. Make yourself at home and call immediately! We love you and hope you are safe. Love,

Dad, Mom, and your Brother.

I sighed, relieved. Three days, I could handle that. I turned to Draco, who reeled backwards.

I smiled, "Reading over my shoulder, were you?"

He blushed, embarrased. "I couldn't help it, ok?" I laughed. "Three days, huh? That's plenty of time I get to spend with you." He said, planting a kiss on me before flopping down on my couch. I laughed, then laid down beside him. We spent the rest of the night playing wizard's chess and laughing, both of us trying to imitate the little man who had given us our brooms after I scared him half to death. I fell asleep early, laying down on Draco's chest as he looked lovingly at my sleeping form.


Authors note: Hi everyone! I am SO sorry that it has been so long since I've written! I'll try to keep it up but things are getting pretty busy around here! Please just leave a comment if you feel like it's been too long since I last updated. If anyone has any ideas for where the story should go from here, leave a comment for that too! I love your input. Thanks for waiting!

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