Love at first...sip?

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After dancing for a few more minutes I realized I hadn't thanked Cormac for the water. I set off to find him, feeling more eager than I should to see him than I should. I found him quickly, and he didn't seem too surprised to see me. That's when I noticed just how amazing his eyes were. Such a beautiful hazel color. "Wow Cormac, you are so beautiful." I said, feeling very unlike myself. He was great, I couldn't believe Ron had beaten him for keeper!
"Thanks Amara, you're beautiful too. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" My heart exploded with joy. I was going to be able to be with the love of my life.
"Yes!!! I can't believe you like me! Oh everyone should know we are dating! I'm so in love with you!" I jumped into his arms before running back to the table I had stood on before and climbing onto it again.
"ATTENTION EVERYONE!" I yelled, the talk slowly died down until only the drumming beat of the music remained. "ME AND CORMAC ARE DATING!!! Isn't this great! I would like to invite all of you to our wedding in a few years because I know this man is the love of my life. Thank you all!" I sighed happily and jumped into Cormac's arms, kissing him passionately.
I went to sleep that night happier than I had ever been, feeling giddy and more girly than I ever had.
"What a great day!" I said to Hermione as she stared, dumbfounded, at me. I ignored it, falling back onto my pillow and sinking into a perfect sleep.

I woke the next morning feeling completely normal, the last of the love potions effects having left my system. I stretched, then rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as the memories for last night came flooding back.
I bolted upright, scaring Hermione awake. "OH MY GOD DID THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN!?" I screamed.
"Love potion, huh? That's what I thought, but I didn't want to tell you that yesterday." Hermione mumbled.
"I JUST EMBARRASSED MYSELF IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!" I cried, "why the heck did he do that to me!?"
"Well, he said that it was a prank, but I have a feeling he just wanted you to be his girlfriend, kind of a terrible way to make that happen."
"I have to get out of here." I said in cold fury. I grabbed a jacket and stormed out the door, fighting back furious tears.


I sat at the edge of the black lake, cursing the grass and punching everything I could. This went on for about another ten minutes before two strong arms wrapped around me. Thinking it was Cormac I turned swiftly and punched him hard across the mouth. He dropped and moaned:

"What the heck Amara!" It was Draco.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Draco! I thought you were Mcladden!" I said.

"Why would you think I was Mcladden?" He asked.

"Well, when we were at the party last night he slipped me a love potion and humiliated me in front of EVERYBODY!" I fumed, barely containing my anger. I didn't need to say any more. Draco stood up and raced off towards the castle, murder written on his face.

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