Should I or Shouldn't I

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We're just gonna pretend that all the team members have their own offices :)

It had been a long, long week for all members of the B.A.U.

They had an unsub who kidnapped children from ages 7-11 from highly public places and molested them then drowned them. It was especially hard for Morgan because of his past. All the team members knew about this situation so whenever something personal comes up in a case they all take it to heart.

They all got out of the elevator and through the glass doors. The bullpen was empty so it was just the team. Morgan heard Garcia coming so he went to open the door for her, as he did he noticed Emily looking at him funny. Garcia thanked him and JJ shouted that he was a true gentleman and both Emily and JJ had a smirk on their face. Garcia lightly hit them and by now Hotch and Rossi had gone to their offices and it was just Morgan, Garcia, JJ, Emily and Reid. They all were walking to their offices when Morgan felt Emily's eyes on him again. This made him uncomfortable as he thought Emily had a crush on him and he was not what he seemed like. He was in fact, homosexual. And he had the biggest crush on his colleage Spencer Reid.

He thought Reid was amazing. He was so smart and always dressed up in a shirt trousers and an adorable sweater vest. His long hair was perfect and sometimes had a little curl to it which Derek thought was too cute. Whenever he got nervous his voice had a little squeak in it which was irresistible to Morgan. He didn't care if Reid was straight and liked JJ he loved Spencer and wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But that was just it, he could never do that because he tried so hard to cover up the fact he was gay everyone around him thought he was a 'ladies man' thats the oppisite of what he was. Garcia, Emily and JJ had gone into JJ's office to discuss what they were doing for girls night tonight so that ment that it was just him and Reid.

Morgan POV:

This is the perfect moment to ask him. I'll just ask him to come into my office to talk and ask him. But, he doesn't even know I'm gay. He'll probibally just think I'm either joking or not know how to let me down and make an excuse to leave. I need to announce that I'm homosexual to the team before I ask him, then it won't be as much information. But what about Emily shell be so dissapointed how do I do this-


Oh yeah sorry Reid how long have I been silent?

Like 3 minutes! I was talking to you about the alcohol limits in every country coa the girls said they were going to get 'wasted' and I realised half way through that you weren't listening to a word I said!

Sorry Reid I was thinking about something really important. So this is my office. We both have a couple of reports to fill out for the morning so I guess we should get started. Bye Pretty boy.

Bye Morgan.

Reid's POV:

Well I was going on and on about the alcoholic limits in all of the different country's and realised that Morgan wasn't listening to any of this stuff and decided to butt in. I wonder what he was thinking about though. Oh god no I've had these thoughts before about soin think I'm bisexual because I have a crush on JJ so much and I've had it for so long but then I get these feelings for Derek and I feel so ridiculous because he would never in a million years go for me because 1. He's a ladies man and 2. I'm me, I'm so average that if Derek was open to a homosexual relationship he would choose anybody over me.

*The next day*

Hotch came and told everyone to come into the round room (Sorry I can't remember the name) and they all gathered and sat in their usual spots Emily at the back with Morgan to her right and Reid to her left then Rossi sitting next to Morgan and Hotch Next to Reid, Garcia with her leptop in between Rossi and Hotch then JJ Standing with the remote in her hand.

Morgans POV:

You should do it now come on Derek man up and just say it. How did it go again? Oh yeah!

Hey guys can you all be quite for a minute? Now I know JJ is trying to get us caught up on the case but I have something to say...

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