Chapter 11

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Spence is slowly getting better and better, we told him all about his past and how he got to the FBI and now we're just trying so hard for him to remember anything about any of us. He seems to have a strong fixation on me and I like it, I like that Spence thinks I was the only one close to him. I decide that we need him to remember Derek so I go ask Em where he is.


"Yea J?"

"Where's Morgan we really want Spence to remember!"

"Um he went hom I guess? He stormed out to his car.." She said with a worried face. That's when I notice that Hotchs hand is on Emily's and I know that they just look happy so I'm not going to ruin it for them. I take Em's keys since I didn't drive myself and start driving over to Dereos just wondering what I'm gonna say to him when we're alone. I get to his house and knock on the door. "Derek? Come on, open up its J? Derek?" With the fourth knock she slowly opens the door with h her gun firmly in her hand, strangely the door was open she thought to herself. She slowly opened the door and when she saw what was inside she dropped everything, she dropped herself to the ground in a pit of tears. She had just found him..... Hanging.

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