Chapter 8

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Morgans POV:

Who are you? Those three words, those nine letters that took my patched up broken heart and shattered it into a million unsalvageable peices.  I sigh as I feel my welled up eyes that have been trying to hold in the tears finally let go and streams of years tool down my dust and dry blood covered face. JJ, who already has bloodshot eyes cries quietly as I pull her into a tight hug, she loved Spencer but I did as well its just not fair on either of us today. I let go and she let's go of my tear stained t-shirt, she's not let go since we got here. I tell her that its gonna be okay that well get him back and she goes to Emily to cry again. I walk outside to find Hotch, crying. I quietly walk yo he chair next to him and let out a loud sigh. He looks up at me with bloodshot eyes and tearstained cheek and a look of deepening worry in his eyes as he finally choaks out "This... This is not fair"  "Its never ever fair Aaron we just have to deal with what we got and bring him back" I say with a lump in my throat. The truth is I'm scarred, I'm scarred hqt we won't be able to get back his memory and that he won't be okay and that the Spencer we know and love will just be a distant memory from the new one. I'm scarred he won't love me anymore. I'm scarred he loves JJ.


This worked perfectly. He has amnesia and doesn't remember a thing. I ferl like if I just constantly cry then I won't look out of place of questioned. Everyone has broken down since Spence said those words. Even I was a little hurt by it but that's all part of my little plan to get him back. He won't remember any of us and I'll create a bond and with Spence since I was the closest to him and he'll eventually love me back the way I do him. By that I'm snapped out of my thoughts mlby a screaming Spence. "SPENCE SPENCE ITS OKAY"

Morgans POV:

I hear Spencer ask who he is and with that I am done. I storm out of the Hospital waiting room and through the ER and to my car. Em runs up to me, "Derek storming off is not the answer he needs you!" "Em go away you don't wanna be here for the next bit" "Derek!" "What?" "Goodnight?" "Goodbye to you too!" I get in my car and head straight for my apartment and get there fast, speeding through every red light in the process. It doesn't matter anyway because in a few minutes Derek Morgan won't exist, the person Derek Morgan won't be a human on the face of he earth anymore....

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