Chapter 17

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"I think I love him" and with that Spence walked in


"Spence?! Did you hear any of that?"

"Yes, and I love you to Jennifer!"

"You do? You really mean it?" I manage to say through tears streaming down my face.

"Yea Jen I love you and you love me!" He reassures me

"I know I love you! I love you Spencer Reid!"

"And I love you Jennifer Jareau!" He says as he plants a kiss on my lips

"Ew no kissy kissy please!" Emily says as we laugh "I'm serious please don't!" We laugh again

"Hey J how are you not uncomfortable with the this?" He asks curiously

"Spence I've known Em all my life and when we shared an apartment we spent countless hours of one in the bath and one on the toilet seat just talking about boys and clothes and just general crap that a few young adults worry about!" I say and Em laughs

"That's definatket true!" She says

Well I got you a robe anyway, even though I like you best like you are now" He says with a smirk on his face

"Spencer Reid you little devil!" I say as I proceed to kiss him on my tip toes so I can reach his lips

"Ew no friend in the room guts nooo!" Emily says as I put on the robe

"Hey!" Spence whispers in my ear

"What?" I question back

He just smirks "okay" I say as I smash my lips against his, his tounge begs for an entrance to I allow and we're just doing that for a couple minutes just standing making out when I finally pull away and see Emily with the biggest cringe "That was just for you!" I say to her with a grin on my face "I think I'm gonna be sick" she says, we just smile and I peck him on the lips before going into the kitchen.

"Em you wanna stay for pancakes?"

"Eh sure, why not?"

"Can I have some!" Spence says

"No Spence you didn't eat your cereal so you can't eat pancakes!"

"But I want sommeeee!!!" He whines

"We'll lyou don't get any! Now go clean your room!" I order



"Whatcha gonna do if I don't?"

"I'll ground you!"

"Ohhh no not grounded!" He says as he slapps my butt

"Spence Em is here!"

"Whoops!" He says in an embarrassed voice

"Well I always wondered what would happen if 'Jeid' got together? Now I know! You act like children and are very sexual!" She says as she laughs

"Jeid?" We say in unison

"Yea JJ and Reid you guys are Jeid! Have you not heard us call you that yet?"


"Awh you guys you are my otp!"

"Otp? Stop that! No really! Its annoying! Uugghhhhhh!" We say in unison

"Otp means Overall top couple by the way guys!"


Anyone else love that Em ships Jeid I thought it was cute and I needed a happy chapter!

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