Chapter 14

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Spencers POV:

I-I I just can't take this in right now. Realising that I must've caused all of this just makes me fell like the worst human being on the planet, I did this. I think to myself as i walk into the dimly lighted and crowded club that i usually go to to take my mind off things. I walk to the bartender, "Spencer! Good to see ya buddy!" "Yeah yeah Anton you too" "Wow seem happy then!" "Yeah I'm really happy my friend just died now give me the strongest drink you have, and fast" "Wow tough luck, cones with the job though I guess" "No it doesn't he killed himself because of me now give me the drink" and just like that the dry cold liquid trickled its way down my throat feeling an instant release from everything I start to dance. Eventually, 10 drinks down the line I'm dunk out of my mind and decide to stable back. I know that JJ lies near here so I start to wobble towards her house.


I hear someone ring the doorbell, who could that be its friggin 3am and I've been up all night crying. I go to open the door on the 7th ring.


"Hey babe" he gives me a drunken smile

"Spence are you drunk?"

"No no! Now come on let's have some fun!" He says as he pushes me against the doorframe with a sloppy kiss. Is never had that kind of kiss with Spence he's always delicate and caring this is just, not.

"No Spence I don't think that a good ide-" I'm cut off by another kiss. This one is more passionate and I actually like it. But I can't think about this now not now.

"No Spence"

"Oh come on Jennifer liven up a bit!" He says with a smirk on his face

"Its not a good idea"

"Its the best idea I've had all night!" He says as he almost drags me into the bedroom.

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