Chapter 15

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Spencers POV:

I wake up and realise I'm not in my own bed, I panick thinking that I just slept with some random girl last night but when I turn around I'm relieved. Its only JJ I think to myself, wait what did we do last night? And how did I get these scratches on my back? And how am I gonna hide these hickeys? I'm snapped from my thoughts when I look at her sleeping face again, so unharmed and delicate, I feel that I need to protect her even though she can stand up for herself. Again snapped from my thoughts by her eyes fluttering open to reveal those magical blue orbs of beautifulness that I adore so much.

"Hey" she says with a huge grin on her face

"Hi" I say aquardly

"Sooo. You remember anything about last night" she says while playing with a peice of my hair

"No" I say

"Well too bad! We had the most rough sex of my life!" She said excitedly

"Ummm- sorry!" I said worrying

"No need to be sorry" she says with a smirk on her face

"Oh really?"

"Yeahhh! It was amazing Spence, I think I'm falling in love with you"

"I love you too Jennifer"

She hugs me and then sits up on the bed and about to walk when I hear a loud groan. "What's up?" "Oh nothing!" She waddles by "Hmmmm bow that is hilarious!" "Its not funny I can't walk!" "Ahhhh! Well get used to it!" I say inbetween laughing "Spence I'm gonna shower okay?" I walk in the bathroom butt naked "Can I join?" "Definatley" she says with a smirk. We get in and start making out, just full on me holding on to her ass and her fingers running through my wet hair. I start to run my hands up and down her body with the soap and I stop at her hips, I slowly caress them the stick a finger up, sheoans in my mouth with pleasure "The tings I could do to you Jennifer Jareau! But we have.a case!" "No just half an hour is plenty come on Spence just a little more!" "Oh begging now are we?" I say with a smirk "oh yeah" she replies. We finish up in the shower and I get three towels, "You know you're not supposed to feel dirty after a shower?" "Oh but you do!" "Maybe" she says as she jumps on to me wrapping her legs around my hips. Our body's fit perfectly together and even though I've never been with a woman I feel like I have all the experience. She starts kissing my back and my jaw as I moan in pleasure "Oh so that's a turn on?" "No" I say in a squeaky voice "Spencer Reid don't you lie to me!" "Okay yeah!" She kisses my jaw again and unable to hold it in I place her on the bed and thrust myself into her, "Spence!" She moans. I thrust harder and harder as she digs her fingernails into my back I don't even feel the pain I'm just enjoying the moment, we're both at our peaks as I let go spiralling into a put of pleasure. I roll off JJ and.
"Wow" she says

"Wow indeed!"

"Ahhhh!" She moans as she gets up

"I'm just happy I can make you do that!" I say with a huge grin

"Don't be! It hurts like hell!"

"Good!" I say all smug like.

"Now I'd love to make you not able to walk for a week but we have work to do!"

"Ah fuck no!"

"Oh fuck yes my sweetums" "


"Yeah I like that one!"

"Well I hate it..... Spency!"


"Yep that's defiantly my favorite now!"

"Oh no!"

"Come on Spency time for brekfast!"

"But I don't wanna!" I say with a frown in a childish tone

"Well you have to eat up! You'll be hungry before lunch if you don't!"



"Well I guess you'll have to.... Chase me!" I say as I start running

"Come here right now young man and eat up!" She replies whizzing off

"No out have to catch me!" I say as I throw sofa pillows at her to slow her down

"Spencer Reid get here right now and eat your breakfast or I'll have to ground you!"

"I don't mind being grounded" I say with a smirk

"Well come right here and eat this cereal"

"What you gonna do if I don't?"

"I'm gonna ground you!"

"Oh really?" I say while walking up to her and kissing her softly

"Do that again!" She says as she pulls me in and goes on her tip toes to kiss me

"Hey JJ I- whoa J what?" Emily says as we look at her in guilt

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