Chapter 5

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Morgans POV:

I wake up, my arms around Spencer and our legs intwined under he covers. I chavk he time, 7:04 we have enough time to have a non-rushed morning I think to myself. I slowly get out of bed and replace myself with a pillow not to wake Spencer and go to surprise him with a full English breakfast. Everything's fried up and I go and yell at the top of my lungs *WAKE UP PRETTY BOYYYY* I hear a squeal and a thud assuming that Reid fell out of bed I slightly chuckle to myself and walk to he bedroom. I start laughing when I see Reid sitting with the covers over him and a pouty face, I get down and take advantage of the pout and kiss him slightly. The kiss deepens as he begs for more, "Your breakfast will get cold! And if you don't eat your breakfast I'll have no choice but to spank you!" I say with a smirk on my face "Oh and that would be tragic now wouldn't it?" Spencer says with a chuckle and he pulls me in, I lay on top of him but I roll over and spank his ass. He squeals as I do it repeatedly and his ass cheeks turn a pinkish-red colour and I laugh and say "what did I tell you? Now get your pink as sin here and eat!" He does as I command and we're halfway through breakfast as my phone lights up and I sigh.

New case, be there in an hour?

Sure. Don't bother texting Reid I'll pick him up.

Okay, be on time!

I will, you know me!

Be quick, its a bad one.

How bad?

Its, someone finding men with long brown hair and dressing them up like Reid, he kills them with a dialudid. He says in a letter that he's planning the future for all of us. He's only killed once but they decided to give it to us.

Wow this is gonna hit us all hard huh?


Reid's POV:

We're halfway through breakfast and Morgans phones buzzes, we both sigh. Hes on his phone for a while and I start to get worried as he looks worried. "What's wrong?" I ask in a sympathetic voice "Its this one, he um he's 'planning our futures' he's already done you... Dialudid overdose" Morgan finally coughs up. How does he know? Who is he? Why does he want to mess with us? All these questions at eracing through my head and THUD. Everything goes black......

Hey babas don't hate me? Sorry for the shortness I have plans... Things will get worse. WAY worse but then better. Don't worry I got you I appreciate all of the votes and comments and general support

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