Chapter 26

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*At the bar*

"SHOTS FOR ALL!" Garcia yelled over the loud music

"Can't!" I looked at her sympathetically

"Okay peaches I forgot"

"Forgot what?" Em asked and at that moment I rememberd that I hadn't told my best friend

"That I'm pregnant?!"

"And when we're you planning on telling me?!" Eniky said with a shocked but happy look

"I forgot!"

"I'm so happy for you Jen!"

*an hour later*

"Alright I'm up for one more who's in?" Emily asked the two blondes

"Nah I'm good" they replied in unison

Emily's POV:

I walked up to the bar to get another drink when a woman catches my eye, she has shoulder length brunette hair that's curled and a beautiful black Lacey backless dress on. But her smile, that's what caught my eye

"Hey!" She says all perky

"Hi!" I reply

"Hello what's your name?"

"Emily Prentiss" I say with a big smile

"Kate Callahan" she says and I shake her hand. We just begin talking about the most random things when JJ and Garcia approach me with a man

"This is the friend we were talking about! Garcia says

"Oh Em you'll NEVER believe this!" And I wait for it "This guy Brad is an FBI Agent!"

"Oh really that's so cool! What unit?"

"The BAU that's the Behaviroual Analysis Unit" he replies proudly as I try not to erupt into a fit of giggles

"Oh so cool! Do you have a badge?" JJ asks

"Yeah we're required to carry it everywhere but that confidential" he says

"Tell me Brad.... Does it look anything like this?" JJ asks pulling out her credentials

"Or this?" I say

"Or this?" Garcia says

And to my surprise "Or this?" Kate says and we laugh as he goes off looking embarrassed

"I didn't know you were a fed?" I say to Kate

"Yep, for 10 years now!"

"Oh cool!"

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