Chapter 12

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"HOLY FUCK DEREKKKK?!?!" I screamed as I ran over to his hanging body "NO NO NO THIS DIDNT HAPPEN NOOOO!" I manage to scream in between tears racing down my cheeks. I just can't believe it, one of my best friends and colleague just- just commited- suicide.

After fourty minutes of non-stop crying and shaking and cursing I finally decide to callup the team and other people to remove his... Body

"He-he-hello?" I said shakilly

"JJ what's up? Why do you sound so scared?"

"Em? Em you better get to *sigh* Derek's place- soon" I managed to let out only in between sobs

"Okay I'll be there with the team as soon as I can, it sounds serious?"




Emily's POV:

I had just told all the team about me and Aaron when I get a call from JJ, I can't wait to tell her...

"He-he-hello?" She said shakilly

"JJ what's up? Why do you sound so scared?" I say concerened

"Em? Em you better get to *sigh* Derek's place- soon" she says while crying

"Okay I'll be there with the team as soon as I can, it sounds serious?" I'm really concerned now, what happened?




And with that I yelled for the team and we got our asses over to Morgans with the lights up, one of my friends was in trounlble and I was not going to let that happen. We get to the house and the front door is lslughtly ajar. Concerned, I put my hand on my gun as do the rest of he team except from Garcia because she doesn't have one. I knock but get no answer so I push the door, and what I see... I'm not prepared for.....

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