The Comments

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Hey guys can you all be quite for a minute? Now I know JJ is trying to get us caught up on the case but I have something to say... I Derek Morgan am gay.


Morgans POV:

Wow. That is one of the biggest weights lifted off my shoulders. I wonder what they are all they are all thinking I mean one of them have spoken? Oh jeez Reid, he must be so confused right now and I didn't want to make him in any way uncomfortable. And Emily, I thought she had a crush on me... She must be devistated. Ah what was I thinking this was a bad mistake...

Um.. Congratulations to you then! JJ said

Wow that's so great that you can accept yourself! Said Rossi

Wow my chocolate thunder! Well done baby boy I'm happy for you! Said Garcia

That's so great Derek! I'm proud of you Hotch said

That's so...good that you can say that now! I'm really happy for you! Said Emily even though I knew that the truth was she liked me, and was unsettled by my news.

Wow that's so amazing Derek! Did you know that 1.6% of the american populatjust identify as either a lesbian or gay and 0.7% identify as bisexual and 1% identify as-

Its ok Reid we get it. Said Morgan

I know I'm just really shocked that you would say that. You really made out to be ladies man!

*1 month later*

Reid's POV:

It's been 4 weeks since Morgan came out as gay, I was do exited! All I've been thinking about for the past month is how to tell him that I like him. I'm always really nervous around him now and I think he knows, I just hope he doesn't have his mind set on anyone else. I also noticed Emily sort of distancing from the group and its really weird cos she never wants to go out for a drink or really want to go out for girls night with Garcia and JJ (JJ told me) and she just deems kind of down I mean we all kind of guessed that she had a little crush on Derek I mean who wouldn't with those rock hard abs and smouldering face but we didn't think it would effect her this much.

Morgans POV:
So I walk up to Reid and ask him if he wants to go out to see a movie but he denies me and says he has a star trek marathon that he has to watch so I'm going to surprise him! I'm going to show up at his apartment with some beers popcorn and a movie and just say that I brought the movie to him!

Goodnight pretty boy! I said as he walked to his car.

Night Morgan! He waved and I waved back.

*6 o'clock at Reid's house*

*knock on door*

Reid's POV:

Who is that I didn't order anything!?

Surprise! Said Morgan

Oh hey Derek what are you doing here?

I brought the movie to you silly!

Oh, um okay come in then and I'll get a bottle opener?

Yeah sounds great!

*half an hour later*

Morgans POV:

We were watching Teids star trek thing and he was laughing at all of the 'jokes' that I didn't understand, that's what I love about him he gets things nobody else would understand its so cute but at the same time I just think I don't have the intellect to have a full blown relationship with Reid and it would be so aquard. He would never go for anyone like me.

Reid's POV:

I have a feeling Morgan doesn't understand any of this. I love how he's so clueless and laughs when I laugh just to make it look like he knows what it means It's so sweet how he does that sometimes. I'm really really tired but I feel it would be square if I asked him to leave.

*half an hour later*

*Reid has fallen asleep on Morgans shoulder*

Hey, hey pretty boy? Wake up!

Wha- oh! Sorry I must've fallen asleep. Um I have something to tell you, can you mute the T.V?

Yeah sure, what's wrong?

Well you know how when Maeve died, I was at one of my lowest points?

Yeah JJ got you through that, right?

Yeah, well she's already s stressed with Will and Henry and I feel like I can actually open up to you... Well I've not been myself lately and its starting to effect my job and relationship with my colleagues, 3 days ago I got the worst call of my life. It was the hospital wherey mom is staying, it had been one of her bad days and although I was sending her my daily letters I hadn't been to visit lately. She had slashed her wrists... And I'm just so scared and confused an I just...

*Breaks down crying*

Hey Reid Reid no its okay, come on.

*Hugs Reid*

It'll all be okay, you're safe with me Spencer.




Its just I feel so normal and safe around you and feel like I can actually open up to you about my life and my problems...

Morgans POV:

Wow I had no idea that he was going through this, okay I can't ask him now I need to comfort him. I need to be there for him as a friend until he is ready. I can't possibally ask him to do that now, just hug and console him and tell him that everything is going to be okay.

Reid's POV:

I just told him. I can't believe I actually told him. He looks really confused but I just really needed to open up to someone. Why would I do that to whom I hope is my future boyfriend?

Hey Spencer its okay we'll get through this together it's okay, I'll help plan the funeral with you and the whole team will be there. Its okay everything will be okay.

But it wasn't okay... Ever since I got the news u hadn't broke down crying. I had gone back yo that place, the place I promised myself I wouldn't go again not ever again. But I snapped, luckily nobody had noticed the shaking the occasional itch of my inner elbow.

Hey Reid?



I have something to tell you too.

Go ahead.

Um Spencer, I like you Spencer and I always have like not in a friend way in a love way Spencer Reid I like like you and I'm so happy I got that out.

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