Chapter 31

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Reid's POV:

I just went to the closest gym I could find because although I wanted to hurt JJ I knew that it would be better for her in prison because she's a fed and they'll hate her, I hate hate her. I may seem a bit of too pissed off at her but she kept me prisoner for 3 weeks and was basically the cause of my boyfriends death, I'm allowed to be mad. I just take off my shirt and leave on my trousers as I walk through to this small box room with only a punching bag hanging from it. I just go crazy, letting out all of my anger and this hanging bag of distressed leather. About an hour and fourtyfive minutes in I start to get tired and sit down pressing my back against the wall. Just as I do so another man walks into the room, obviously not seeing me he starts to let out his rage on the same battered up bag of leather hanging by a chain in the middle of the room. He does so for about five minutes and I realise that he's not gonna go away

"Hi" I say aquardly and I get up

"Um, were you here the whole time?"

"Yeah I was here two hours before"

"Oh sorry I'll leave" he says surprised as he picked up the towl he threw on the ground before

"Oh no its okay I was just about to leave"

"I'm Sean by the way"

"Spencer, but my friends call me Reid"

It's complicatedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora