Chapter 9

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*May be triggering*

Morgans POV:

I was inside the hospital when something clicked inside me, why would my life carry on if Spencer the live of my life doesn't know who I am and who he is? So I eventually get to my how in what seems like a lifetime but in reality took 5 minutes as I ran through all red lights because why not? I walk in my door and head for my stationary drawr to get a piece of paper and pen to write a note.

Goodnight you said,
Goodbye I said,
And you never,
Thought twice,
I'm sorry, I just don't see the point in living anymore.

And with that, the rope gets tied,
I stand on that stool,
I breath my last breath of air,
And I say my last words,
"Goodbye world, Goodbye Spencer"
I put the rope around my neck,
And step off the stool,
And with that I was just a nobody swinging off a rope....

Hi hi hi please don't hate me? XD im sorry but the story is going somewhere and I think this is okay writing?
I love all of you're comments and votes and even if you bother to read it that just makes my day :)

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