Chapter 10

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Emily's POV:

I run outside to see what Derek's doing but he doesn't listen, we say our goodbyes and I start walking towards the he enterance just fighting back the tears I've wanted to shed for so long. I get in the waiting room and break down, slamming my body against the cold wooden door and slowly eroding down into a puddle of misary and tears. I can't help thinking that I caused all of this. I was the one to call up JJ and ask if Reid spent the night with Morgan as he didn't come home last night *let's pretend that the live in the same apartment building* after all its pretty obvious that JJ did all this her emotions are so rushed and changing to much. I don't want to turn one of my best friends in qbd her goal must've been to just be with Reid so I'll let her, after all heyve been making out in her office for about a year now and now he just goes and spends the night with Morgan? You don't do that! I notice Hotch staring at me with those damaged brown eyes that have shed so many tears in the past few years I feel so sorry for him. He looks away when I look up and I get up and sit next to him, my face comes to meet his as I examine the hurt in his eyes and his tear stained cheeks and realise. I'm in love with Aaron Hotchner! He looks at me and does the same then I lean in, I kiss him so softly everything abound me do sent matter at this moment in time. In this moment I'm in with who I think I love and I'm happy, for the first time in a while I'm happy and I'm showing it. I start smiling during this kiss so he pulls away and smiles. "Ahh! I put a smile on Aaron Hotchners face? Someone get the camera!" "Aahhhhhhh!! You guyyssss!" Is all I hear Penelope scream as we laugh and she runs up to us and hugs us. We're finally free I think to myself, As my hand intertwines with his.

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