Chapter 32

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One week later

Reid's POV:

Its been one week since the whole JJ thing, its been hard especially the way she went. She fought me and when she clawed herself away she held her gun to the baby bump, my baby. I managed to distract her as Hotch walked up behind her and took the gun and cuffed her only breaking her wrist which was minor. I've got really close to Kate lately as well, I know its early yo make a judgement but I think I like her. We've been texting and phoning evey night and she's come over twice but i really don't feel like going out at all except from the gym, that's where I unleash my anger. I feel like she understands me, like she knows what I'm going through but I won't pressure it. I've still not been able to go to work yet but I hope with Kate and the teams help I'll be there soon. Since I've been e bulking up Kate shays that it would be good for me to get some new 'sexy' clothes as she calls them, I wouldn't think that I do but she insists and I'll do anything to spend time with her

Kate's POV:

I'm so excited! I'm going to take Spencer shopping today and I hope he'll take my advice cos I'd jump his bones if I had the chance, of course I'm not going to cos just a week ago he list his fiancé but if I had the chance! I've been on a case with the team this week and texting or calling Spencer whenever I can, he doesn't normally come out the house unless its to the gym. The strange thing is I've asked the team if he's talked to him at all and they've all said no so I guess he just wants to talk to me. I just pull up in the parking lot of his apartment building and lock the door, I start to get tingles when I'm walking up the 4 flights of stairs to his apartment. I pass a mirror on the way and stop to check myself. I'm wearing my faviroute black leggings and a pale pink fluffy jumper with a white infinity scarf and a gold statement necklace with my knee high faux leather black boots with gold zips to match the necklace, I've got to say I wouldn't normally put this much effort into an outfit but this is Spencer and my head goes to another place when I'm with him. My hair is in messy French braid pigtails that go just above my shoulders since my hair is just over shoulder length normally. I have minimum makeup, just the standard Concelear, mascara a little blush and some nude lipstick with a little pink lip gloss in the middle of my lips to make them 'extra pouty' as Emily described it as she helped me with the whole outfit, hair and makeup ensemble. Even though we were just going shopping I wanted to look nice. I was just about to stop and go for the door when I felt a pair of half muscly arm wrap around my waist, it felt so right.

"Your warm" he said with a goofy smile as he Nuzzled into my neck

"Thankyou" I replied with the same goofy smile. We just stood there in a comfortable silance for a few minutes enjoying each others company and him hugging me from being when he spoke up

"Kate?" He almost whispered in my ear

"Yeah?" I asked as I broke the hug to turn and face him, he was a good foot taller than me so u had to tilt my head up to meet his eyes

"Kate I've got a really important question for you." He said nervously, now I was worried

"What is it Spencer?"

"I um, I've wanted to um tell you this for a while, um- I wanted to tell you that um, I wanted to ask if you'd be my girlfriend" he stuttered and His voice went squeaky and I giggled at the cuteness of it "No no I knew this was a bad idea and youd think it was too soon or I still had feelings for her and youd laugh in my face" he says as he turns away but I grab his shoulder and run around him to face him

"I like you a lot too! Don't doubt yourself Spencer any girl or boy would be so lucky to have you in their life. I'm lucky. I was giggling because it was so cute. I've felt the same way but was too scared that is offend you with it being to soon
I'm falling for you Reiders" I say with a warm smile

"Reiders" he says with a smirk

"Forever and always" I say with the same smirk as he leans in to kiss me. His soft lips against mine feel so right, the kiss deepens as I feel his tounge on my lips begging for an entrance and I allow his to explore my mouth. I pull back after two or three minutes and say "Now that's what I call a first kiss" with a smirk. He kisses me lightly and whispers in my ear "Maybe shopping can wait" I can feel the devious little smile on his lips and turn my head peck him on the lips and reply "Have to wait I guess!" And with that I intertwine my fingers with his and we walk hand in hand down the hallway to my car.

Hiiiii! I'm so sorry I had all of the is chapter typed out but mum took my phone away and turned it off and it didn't save so I had to re-type it all out! Thanks for bearing with me :)

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