2 Sleep over

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"Melissa!" I looked around and saw my best friend waving to me.

"Melissa", she told me with a grin on her face. Oh no, that look on her face. That means something worse is going to happen... To me...

"What is it, Tiana?"

"Are you doing something Saturday night?" she asked me with a smirk.

"No, not really.. Except watching TV, eating and going to the toilet," I replied.

"Good! Because we're having a sleepover at my place!"she yelled.

I smiled. "I'll see you at seven at my house," she said to me.

"Okay. I'll be there. Do I need to bring something?"

"No Melissa, I already bought chips" I looked to her face, seeing she was excited about the sleepover.

"Good," I smiled. "You know me too well.. I can't live without chips."

"That's why I'm your best friend. To make sure you won't die."

I laughed about what she said. "Since when were you my friend?"

"Ha... Ha... Very funny, Mel. Good luck with your life." She smiled and went to her class.

Time to go to class. Oh no.. It's friday. That means math and biology. And that means ugh Tristan. Tristan is soo.. How do you call that? Macho.
I realy hate macho guys. They think they are something, but for me they are just nothing. I shouldn't complain. I never had a boyfriend. And no, that's not my big secret.

"What's up, neighbor." I turned around and saw Tristan looking at me.

"What do you want, Tristan?" I replied.

"Nothing. I just wanted to ask you how your doing."

I rolled my eyes and said with a forced happy face: "I'm fine, Tristan. How about you?"

"I'm fine too. I just did some push-ups," he smirked to me. I rolled my eyes again and looked to my books.

This is going to be a long day.

o o o

"Okay. Let's do truth or dare," Tiana said.

"Noooo way," I replied.

"Come on! It's fun!"

"For you! Not for me!" I shout-whispered.

"You don't know unless you try," she smirked to me.

I sighed. "Okay. I will do it, but I'll start. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she replied.

Hmm.. What evil shall I do to her on this beautiful Saturday night. I thought for a while and then I knew it: "Ask the neighbors for a cup of milk and a spoon full of yoghurt."

"What?! No way!"

"You wanted to play this game!"

"That's right," she told me while getting up.
Once she was at the door she turned around and she looked at me with the puppyface.
"The puppyface will not help!" She shrugged and turned back to the door. She went outside and walked to the neighbors. "Hello Tiana, what can I do for you at 10 pm?" the neighbor asked, a little bit annoyed.

"Can I please have a cup of milk please?" She looked at my direction. "Don't forget the yoghurt," I whispered amused to Tiana. "And a spoon full of yoghurt?" "Ofcourse, just give me a minute." Not much later the neighbor returned. "I put the milk in a plastic cup and the yoghurt in a plastic spoon, so you don't have to come back." "Thanks miss Darney," Tiana said greatful because Miss Darney didn't asked for what she needed the milk and the yoghurt.
"And don't forget to recycle the cup and the spoon!" the neighbour shouted after her.

Back inside I laughed so hard that I had to cry. "Yeah. I know it's funny, but don't forget it's my turn now. So what do you want. Truth or dare?" Suddenly I stopped laughing. "Truth" I replied. "Hmm.. Okay. What is your biggest secret..."

o o o

I can't believe it. I just told Tiana my secret. Why am I such a dumbass. No I'm not a dumbass. It was great to tell Tiana. Now I'm relieved. Unless Tiana will say it to others. OMFG! I AM SUCH A DUMBASS! Nooo.. Tiana wouldn't do that. Will she? Okay Melissa.. Breathe. Be zen. Close your eyes. Make up y- "Hello! Are you awake?"

That voice...

I opened my eyes and... Yup, there he was. Tristan.


"Tristan, do you have a life?"

"YES, why would you ask that?" he replied.

"Because.. You're stalking me."

"THAT... Is not true."

I lifted my eyebrow. "Okay, maybe I stalk you a little."

I raised my eyebrow again. "OKAY! Maybe I stalk you a little much!"

"Better... Why are you here?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to know if you're okay."

"And why is that your business," I said still lifting up my eyebrow.

"I don't know, because I do," he replied.

"What an answer." I said sarcastic.

"Come on, Melissa. I just want to be friendly."

"And I want to go to class before I'm too late," I said watching to the clock.

"Okay then. See you soon!"

"No you won't!" I replied.

"I'll make you!"

"No you won't!"

Hey guys! What do you think so far? I'm realy curious! Just leave a comment and maybe a vote.
See you soon!

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