9 Louis

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Stranger: Hey babe

Melissa: Don't call me babe

Stranger: And what if I do?

Melissa: You won't open your eyes tomorrow morning..

Stranger: Are you going to kill me??

Melissa: No, I'm going to glue your eyes.

Stranger: Even worse

Melissa: Why?

Stranger: Because if you would glue my eyes, I can't see your beautiful ass anymore.

I immediately looked at my butt.

Melissa: WTF

Stranger: What WTF

Melissa: You look to my butt?!

Stranger: Yeah, ofcourse. Every boy on school does it.

Melissa: o_O

Melissa: How do you know.

Stranger: I look to every boy who looks to you.

Melissa: WTF would you do that?!

Stranger: None of your business..

Melissa: Yes ofcourse...


Oohh.. That boy is going to die!

Stranger: I'm sorry.. I won't look to your butt ever again.

Melissa: Thanks

Stranger: Soooowww... How was your day?

Melissa: None of your business.

Stranger: Yes, ofcourse. It's my butt's business... *smirk*

Melissa: I

Melissa: HATE

Melissa: YOU

Melissa: Why can't you leave me alone?

Stranger: Because I really like you, Melissa. I mean: like like you.

Wat the fuck.

Stranger: And your butt

Melissa: *Kills 'Stranger'*

Stranger: Melissa.. What I said was serious.

Melissa: Then why don't you tell me who you are and maybe we can date?

Stranger: That's the thing. Maybe.

Melissa: Just say it, I swear I will go on a date for you.

Stranger: Promise?

Melissa: Promise.

Stranger: Pinky swear?

Melissa: Pinky swear.

Stranger: I don't know..

Melissa: I promised and pinky sweared.

Stranger: Can I sleep a night about it?

Melissa: Okay

Stranger: Thanks

I put my phone away and turned on the TV. Oh my god yes! Adventure time is on TV!

"Adventure time!
Go grab your friends!
We're going to very distant lands!
With Jake the dog!
And Finn the human!
The fun will never ends!
It's adventure time!" I sang along.
I really love this show! OMG! I'm gonna trip? Buzz.. Buzz.. OKAY! Who thinks he or she has the right to interupt me?

"Melissa? It's me Naomi"

"Oh hey Naomi! Why are you calling me?"

"I need to tell you something!"

o o o

"So what's the big news? Better be important, because now I'm missing adventure time" I asked. "Louis likes you!" she said immediately. "What?" I opened my eyes. "You know, Louis.. The badboy. He likes you.." she said slowly. "Yeah, I got that," I said. "He's going to ask you out!" she screamed, nearly dying. I looked at her with a pokerface. "What are you going to say?" she smirked. "What do you think about.. Ehm... Let me think.. No?!" I answered. "What? Why?" she asked. "Because, Naomi, he's a heartbreaker. And I am not planning to let my heart break," I replied. "Just give him a chance. Remember? My crush and he are best friends. If you dat him, maybe my crush and I will get closer," Naomi begged me. "No" "Please?" "No" "Please? Please? Please?" "No, naomi. NO!" "Come on, Melissa. Just one date?" she begged me. I looked at her. "Okay. Only one date!" I said. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she shouted, while she was hugging me. Goodbye perfect hearing! "We need you to make you stunning tomorrow," Naomi said. "Let's start with your clothes.."

o o o

Today is the day. The day that Louis is going to ask me out. I'm so tired. Naomi came today at 6 AM (!) to my house to do my make-up up and to arrange my clothes. I opened my locker, grabbed my books and turned around. "Whoa, Louis I didn't saw you," I said seeing Louis looking at me. "Sorry," he said. "Ehm... Melissa. Can I ask you something?" he asked. "Yeah, ofcourse," I answered. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked. "Yeah, sounds fun," I answered. "Allright! Is Friday okay?" he asked exited. "Yes, friday is perfect," I said. "Okay, I'll collect you at eight. If that's allright," he said. "Yeah, eight. See you then," I answered. "Yeah, see you then," he winked at me. I waved and walked to class. Ohh.. Naomi owe's me big time.

o o o

I was eating my Snickers untill I got attacked by Tiana. We both fell to the ground. I just wanted to ask what she was doing untill this happend: "SNICKERS!" she yelled. She grabbed my snickers, stood up and she ate all of it. I stood up to and sat down on the bench beside me. Tiana threw the paper of the snickers away and sat beside me. "Now tell me, melissa... If the hottest boy of the school would ask you out for a date. Would you tell me?" she asked. "Ofcourse," I replied. "Then why you didn't?!" she shouted. "What?" I asked. "Oh come on, Melissa! Louis asked you out! Naomi told me," she said exited. "Yeah? So?" I asked. "It's Louis! Louis the badboy! Louis the hottest b-" "He is definitely not," I interrupted. She smirked:"Yeah right." She gave me the half of her Mars bar. "Oh and by the way, this friday, I'll be at your house at 4 o'clock," she said with a full mouth. I laughed. "Okay," I said, taking a zip from my water. "Well, time to go to class," I said. Tiana gave me a hug and walked to class. "Bye!" I said. "Bye, Melissa!" she said, while waving at me.
Ohno.. Math.. That means Tristan.. I went to my place, ignoring Tristan. I grabbed my books and a pen and I began drawing. "Serious, Melissa?" I heard Tristan behind me. Just ignore it, Melissa. "Melissa, don't ignore me," he said. I turned around:"What?" "How are you?" he smirked. I turned back around. "Please Melissa, don't ignore me. I just want to ask you something," he begged. "Okay, what do you want to ask?" I asked. Tristan stood up and kneeled infront of me. "Melissa, do you want to go on a date with me?"
I looked at him. Actually this was kind of cute. Actually he is kind of cute. Oh shit. I have that date with Louis. "I would love to Tristan. But it's just.." "I know... You have that date with Louis. I'm sorry," he said, while he turned back to his chair. "I'm sorry, Tristan," I said. "It's okay," he said. I turned around. The rest of the lesson I couldn't stop thinking about Tristan. He was so cute. Oh no! It can't! I don't like Tristen! Do I?

"Gurl! You like him! Don't deny!"

Hey guys. Did you guys like this chapter? Please comment! And also vote! And maybe fan?

I just was thinking...
Do you guys have crushes? I would like to hear.

Also I'm curious if you guys have idols?

Just comment and vote and see you guys next time!

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