5 Markers

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Stranger: I know already one thing you can do for me.

Melissa: Oh no. Not you again..

Stranger: What oh no? You should be happy.

Melissa: For what?

Stranger: That I don't tell your secret to the whole school..

Melissa: Wait.. You go to the same school?

Stranger: Yeah.

Stranger: Back to the point.

Melissa: What do you want me to do?

Stranger: You need to make my homework *evil face*

Melissa: Is that all?

Stranger: Jepp, tomorow after school you can find it under the candymachine.

Melissa: Why can't you just give it to me.

Stranger: Because if I give it to you, you know who I am.

Melissa: -,-

Melissa: okay. I will do it.

Stranger: You have no choice..

Stranger: Tuesday I want my homework made under the candymachine.

Melissa: okayy..

Stranger: Now were talking.. Tell me something about you.

Melissa: Okay.
1. My name is Melissa
2. I hate you

Stranger: Oh come on Melissa.. Don't be such a scrooge. I just want to be nice.

Melissa: OH?! So you think blackmailing me is nice?

Stranger: maybe

Melissa: I have to go now. BYE

Stranger: Talk you later!

Melissa: No you won't!

I went to the toilet and I grabbed my phone.

Melissa: Tiana, he goes to the same school as me!

Tiana: Wait, who?

Melissa: the blackmailer -,-

Tiana: Oooh..

Tiana: Oh NO..

Melissa: What oh no? This is a hint!

Tiana: That's right! One step closer!

Melissa: exactly!

Tiana: Melissa.. Do you still have that whiteboard?

Melissa: Yeah why?

Tiana: Maybe we should write it all down..

Melissa: Ooeehh.. Just like spice?

Tiana: Jepp

Melissa: Okay. I will go to the store right now to buy some markers.

Tiana: Okay . Mission; "Who is the stranger" will start now!

o o o

No.. No.. Ah.. Here it is. I grabbed two markers and went to the cash desk. At the cash desk I see Chad behind me. "Chad?" I asked. "Oh hey Melissa." "What are you doing here?" "I'm buying some markers for my whiteboard," he replied. "Oh that's funny. Me too," I laughed. I gave the women behind the desk the money:"I should be going now. See ya!"

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