7 Robby

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"Christel!" I shouted, hoping she could hear me. 

"Christel!" I shouted again. Finally, she turned around. I waved. 

"Melissa!" she shouted back, while she was running towards me. 

"Melissa, I need to tell you something," Christel, said to me with a mysterious voice. 

"What?" I asked impatiently. 

"Robby asked me out!" she said super happy. Robby was the crush of Christel. Well.. Crush.. I bet if Robby asked Christel to marry, she would probably say yes. Nope. She would scream it. My eyes nearly plopped out of my head. 

"What?! O-M-G! When?" I nearly shouted. 

"This Friday," she smiled. 

"Oh my frigerator!.. That Friday! After school! Your house! Make-up time..." I said with a mysterious voice. 

"Okay, Melissa. I really need to be honest with you."

I took a step back. What was it what Christel needs to say?

I scraped my throat. "What is it?"

"I don't want you to curl my hair," she said serious. 

"Why not?" I asked disappointed. 

"Do you remember last time?" 

"Yeah.." I nodded. I suddenly had an idea. "Maybe Naomi can curl your hair." 

"That, Melissa my friend, is a great idea," she said while grabbing my shoulders. 

"I need to go to the candymachine," I said to Christel, while pointing at my belly. 

"Aahh, sugar time," Christel smirked. "I'll see you later," Christel said while she turned around. 

"See ya!" I said back.

Nearly at the candymachine, I grabbed my bag. "Melissa!" I looked around me finding Chad waving at me. "Oh, hey Chad!" I waved back. I waited untill Chad was away and I (kinda) threw the made homework under the candymachine. "So..." I clapped my hands. "That's done."

o o o

Melissa: I made the homework.

Stranger: unbelievable..

Melissa: What?

Stranger: You texted me first O_O

Melissa: so?

Stranger: You like me

Melissa: No, I don't.

Stranger: Uhuh.. Right.

Melissa: Yeah.

Stranger: I know what you have to do next.


Stranger: Who said that?


Stranger: -,-

Stranger: So do you want to know what you have to do or do you want me to tell the whole world about your secret?

Melissa: Tell me what I have to do.

Stranger: Call me.. Honey..

Melissa: What?! No!

Stranger: Do you want me to tell the school your little secret?

Melissa: Okay fine.

Melissa: Honey.

Stranger: say it to me in a sentence

Melissa: Bee's make honey.

Stranger: -,-

Stranger: That is not what I told you.

Melissa: Actually.. You did..

Stranger: You know what I meant.

Melissa: No, I didn't.

Stranger: Dear school,
Do you remember Melissa?
She has a secret. And that secret is...

Melissa: OKAY

Melissa: I hate you, honey.

Stranger: Awhh.. I love you too.

Melissa: -,-

Why is he such an asshole? Why can't he just leave me alone?

Hey guys.
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

Do you already know who 'Stranger' is? Leave a comment. I would love to read what you guys think.

Also I would like if you comment what could go better. I would really appreciate that.

I'm also sorry for this short chapter.

So please vote, comment (and fan?)! And see you next time!

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