23 Friend. Well, friends.

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Stranger: Hello Melissa.

Melissa: -_- Nooooo... Not you!

Stranger: Hé! That's rude!

Melissa: Jk, what do you want?

Stranger: I need you to do something.

Melissa: What's it?

Stranger: Go to the icecream place where you went with Chad.

Melissa: Why?

Stranger: There you will meet one of the persons who are Stranger.

Melissa: Wait! Stranger isn't one person?

Stranger: Nope.

Melissa: With how many are you than?

Stranger: To be honest, I'm not gonna tell you.

Melissa: Wow...

Melissa: Didn't expect this..

Melissa: How late do I have to be there?

Stranger: Be there about ten minutes.

Melissa: I will..

Finally! The time is coming! Finally, after all those years, It's my time!
Just kidding. I put on my shoe's. And I went to that icecream place.

Once I arrived there, I took a seat. Expecting somebody would tap my shoulder, sooner or later. But I didn't expected this to happen. Somebody covered my eyes, and tightened my hands behind my back with a rope. Before I knew he or she lifted me up and started to walk.
I heared doors of a van opening. And not much later I was getting in the van. I tried to scream. But somehow, I couldn't. He layed me down gently, and loosed the rope which was surrounded around my arms.
Then that thing infront of my eyes was pulled away.
I looked around. Trying to find someone, not knowing who.
After a few glances of the inside of the van, I saw a silhouet in the corner. It was watching me.

"Who.. Who are you?" I asked. My voice was cracked and shaky. My heart was beating like it depended on life or death.

Then it laughed. He laughed. "Don't worry Melissa, it's me. And I'm not going to do something worse with you." He opened the doors, and suddenly a lot of light came in.

"Chad?" I said, still with a shaky, cracked voice.

"You didn't expected this, right," he smirked.

I walked towards him, untill our faces were just a few inches away from eachother. We stared in eachothers eyes... And I smacked him in the face.
"Was this really necessary? I've got an appointment with someone!"

"This is the appointment, Melissa."

"Wait, so you're Stranger? I mean, one of them?"

"Jupp, that's right Melissa."

I smacked him again in the face. "You also could tap my shoulder you know!"

"But that's boring," he smirked.

And again I slapped him in the face.

"Melissa! That really hurts!" Chad said, jumping out of the van.

I followed Chad. "Where did you get this van?"

"It's from Katrina," he said.

"Okay." I wasn't surprised. Katrina's parents are rich. I looked once more to the van. "I need icecream now!"

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