16 The Battlefield

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How can I be sure. How can I know. Does he loves me or will he let me go.
Everytime these words pop up in my head. And for some reason I can't get them out. I'm not in love with him. I'm not in love with him! "I'm not in love with him!" Suddenly I woke up. Shit! It's half past seven! I changed my clothes and I threw my books in my bag. "Mom! I'm going!" I shouted. I ran outside and I bicycled to school.
Finally I arrived. Why is it so quiet? I walked to the door and I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Watte heck?! I ran around the school, searching for someone who could tell me why there's nobody here. And finally I realised it. It was early weekend because of easter. I'm such a dumbass. A moment later I realised something else. I'm going to paintball with Louis today! I looked at my watch, seeing I had three hours before Louis would collect me. I rushed to home and I changed my clothes again. I stared in the mirror. Do I look good? What am I saying? Why would I care about his opinion? I stared once more in the mirror. "I'm not in love with him."

o o o

"Ready to go?" Louis asked me handing his hand. "I'm not gonna take your hand Louis." He looked a little disappointed. "Now let's go." I walked past him and stopped. "Which way is it actually?"

After 15 minutes walking, we finally arrived. And not much later I got a message.

Stranger: Have fun.

I looked at Louis, who was busy on his phone.

Melissa: With what?

Stranger: With paintballing with Louis.

I looked at Louis once more, seeing he was texting. Probably with his girlfriend. I'm sorry. I ment girlfriends.

Melissa: How do you know.

Stranger: I'm a very good friend of Louis, remember?

Melissa: Just tell me who you are.

Stranger: Why?

Melissa: Because I want to kick your ass, and I can't because I don't know who you are.

Suddenly I heard Louis laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" I asked him. He looked up. "Oh, a friend of mine told me a joke." "Now let's go," he added.

I put my suit on and I grabbed my gun. I'm nervous, because I've never done this before. But I wouldn't expect I would be that nervous. Before I knew the game began. Shit! I started shooting around with no goal and I hid me. No way I'm going down there! I looked around the corner sneaky. "Boo!"
I looked screaming behind me, seeing it was just Louis. "Melissa. Why aren't you on the battlefield?" "Because, I'm fucking scared Louis!" I shout-whispered. "We are a team Melissa, you got my back." he said. I looked in his eyes. And he in the mine. No! Look away Melissa! Once I looked away, I saw a boy running towards us, and before he could shoot on us, I shot him. I SHOT him. I SHOT HIM! "Nice shot Melissa." "Thanks Louis." In my head I made a happy dance. Fuck yeah!

Paintballing was fun. Especially because Louis shot literally everybody. Actually it's kind of scary. But who cares. "I hope you had a nice time," Louis said to me. "Yeah! But where have you learned to shoot?" I asked him. "Eh.. Yeah.. I guess here." He lifted his arms like he was a king. We both had to laugh.
I'm happy we and Louis can be friends, though. It didn't felt uncomfortable at all.
After changing our clothes back to normal, we went to the entrance.
"Hey Louis!" we heard from the back. I turned around seeing a boy, same age as Louis but much more pimples and much bigger. "Pablo!" Louis said back. They both gave each other a hand. "How ya doing?" Louis friend asked. Well.. I guess it's a friend of Louis. "I'm fine, how about you?" Louis answered. "Just doing my thing." Once he said that he noticed me and smirked. "Is that one of your many girlfriends?" Louis friend smirked. Louis blushed. "No. It's just a friend." Louis said back. His friend investigated me. What the hell? After several times looking at me, he whispered something in Louis ear. "Well actually I do." "I'm sorry man, I didn't knew.." he stuttered. "No problem, can't blame you. But we need to go now so I'll see ya soon." Louis waved and we left.

"What did he whispered in your ear?" I asked. "Nothing," he answered. "But I want to know," I said with puppy eyes. "Okay. He asked me if I would mind if he would date you." "And you said.." I tried to get it out of him. "I said yes," Louis answered. "What's wrong if I'll date him?" I asked. "Because you're my friend Melissa, and I protect my friends."

Hello guys!

I know! It takes a long time, before I update another chapter. And I can't say enough times sorry.

But here it is and I hope you enjoyed it.

If you do, leave a vote and maybe a comment. And even better, be patient!

See ya soon!
Xx Mandy

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