12 First date with Louis

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Today I have a date with Louis, and actually I hate it. Yeah I know.. He is hot and mysterious. But it's not really my type. 'Ding dong!' That's probably Tiana. I opened the door and saw Tiana. She had a big(!) bag with her. "What's that?" I asked. "That is make-up and there are a few dresses in it. Oh, and my PJ is in it too. Now let me in, it's cold outside," she said. We went inside, to my room. "Where are your parents?" Tiana asked. "My father is somewhere in the air and my mother is in her room writing," I answered. "In the air?" she asked. I looked at her with a "Serious?" face. "He's pilot, remember?" I said. "Ohh.. Yeah.. I forgot," she said, getting a few dresses out of the bag. "Which one do you like?" she asked. I pointed at a red cocktail dress. "Good choice," Tiana said. After putting the dress on, I sat on my bed. Tiana grabbed some make-up out of the bag and started to do my make-up. After a while, I looked at the clock. "Tiana, hurry up! It's already seven tirthy!" I shouted. She put some lipgloss on my lips and she started with curling my hair. "I can't believe you're having a date with the hottest boy of the school," Tiana smirked. "Tiana.. It's no big deal, I said. "It is! it's Louis!" "No it isn't, it's just a boy at school," I replied. Tiana turned her eyes. "You're ready for your date," Tiana said, while I stood up. I looked at the clock once more. Oh my glob! It's already eight o'clock! Louis can be here every minute. "Melissa, I think he's already here," Tiana said, while looking through the window. I went to the door. "Melissa, open the door!" Tiana yelled at me. Once I opened the door, I saw Louis looking to the ground, holding a rose. Once he saw me he handed me the rose. "Ready to go?" he asked. "Jupp, let's go," I said, locking my door. "Where are we going?" I asked. "I'm taking you to a special place," he answered. I looked at him, and I thought about what stranger said. Do I realy need to kiss him or was it a joke? "Where are your thoughts," he asked me. "I was just trying to figure out were we're going," I answered. "Any ideas?" "Nope, not really," I responded. We walked further, quietly. Now, this is what I call a date. I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't realize Louis was looking at me. "What are you looking at?" I asked. "Nothing.. Just to the most beautiful girl on the world," he replied. I turned around, 'looking' for that girl. "I'm talking about you, Melissa," he chuckeld. I blushed. Did he just said that? "You're so cheesy.. But thank you," I nodded. "We're here," he said, pointing to the park. As we walked in the park, Louis held my hand. It was warm. (Yeah. That's what you heard. I talked about the temperature of Louis hand.) Not much later we arrived at the place. "We're going to picknick? In the night?" I asked. "Yeah, something new," he blushed. I sat down on the carpet.
The rest of the evening we talked and laughed a lot. I'd never know Louis was so funny. And kind. And he smelled good. Wait! I SNIFFED HIM? That means only one thing! I like Louis..
We were walking through the park, and suddenly Louis stopped. "Melissa, I need to tell you something," he started. "I really like you. And with like, I mean like l-"
I kissed him. Wait?! I kissed HIM! I was relieved when Louis kissed back. And that was it then. The end. I'm kidding. After the kiss, I blushed. And so did he. We went back home. Louis was holding my hand and I rested my head on his shoulder. Once we were at my home he said:"Goodbye Melissa." He gave me a kiss on my cheek and he walked away. I rushed inside and I tackled Tiana. "Melissa, watte?" she asked. "Tiana.. I kissed him.."

o o o

Stranger: So you did what I told you?

Melissa: How do you know?

Stranger: Louis told me. I swear, that boy is really into you.

Melissa: Really?

I blushed.

Stranger: Yeah, he can't stop talking about, how good you can kiss.

Melissa: Now you're just making up a story.

Stranger: Melissa.. You have no idea..

Hey guys!
Sorry for this short, cheesy chapter. The next chapter, I promise, will not be cheesy.
Also I wanted to tell you that I planned it all out! And I swear! It's going to be awesome..

Please comment what you think about the book and maybe vote?
And see you guys next time!

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