27 Ties And Dinner

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I couldn't stop smiling. We're together. We're officially a couple. It's even official on facebook.
I ran downstairs.

"Melissa, we need to talk."

I looked at my bench seeing my dad. "Where's mom?"

"She went shopping."

I nodded. "Okay." I settled myself near my dad.

"There's this serious issue, which I need to talk about."

"What is it, dad?" I was concerned. I hoped my mom and dad didn't fight again.

He stood up, got something behind the TV, and turned back around. Once he sat again, he gave me what he just got from behind the TV.

My eyes widened.

My heart stopped beating.

My jaw dropped.

I tried to say something, but it was hard... "Are... Are..."

I swallowed. "We're going to Disneyland!"

I jumped up, and hugged my dad.

"It's not just Disneyland. It's Disneyland Florida!" My dad said enthusiastic.

Someone call 112/911 or an other First Aid, because I just got a heartattack. I suddenly started to cry. Why? I don't know.

"This is your dream, Melissa." My dad said, hugging me.

"I know. But why are there four tickets?" I asked.

"For you, mom, Louis and me, of course."

My jaw was literally digging a hole in the ground. "Is Louis coming too?"

"Yeah, unless you want to bring someone else."

I already was imaginating about Louis and me, buying Disney stuff. Meeting Cinderella, Pocahontas, Ariël, Snow White, Merida, Rapunzel, Alice, Jane, Megara, Esmerelda, Giselle, Anna, Elsa, Tiana, Aurora, Mulan, Belle and Jasmine.
My life looks so complete now.

"Of course Louis!" I yelled a little too enthusiastic. I grabbed my phone.

"Hello, Louis!"

"Hey, Babe."

"Do you want to go to Disneyland Florida?"

"... You're kidding..."


"Of course!"

I made a little happy dance.

"But when are we going, Mel?"

I looked at my father. Which responded. "This summer."

"This summer," I told Louis.

"That's over a month, right?"

I nodded. "Uhuh."

"I can't wait!"

"Me neither."

"I'll see you at school, honey," Louis added a kiss.


o o o

"Wait. So you're telling me that you're going with Louis to Disneyland, without me?!"

"Tiana, I'm sorry."

"It's no big deal. I'll just go to the internet if I want Disney."

"But it's still different.."

"Melissa! Please! I'm trying to get over it!"

"I'm sorry," I laughed.

"Melissa, do you want to come over?"

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