13 Tiana's Prediction

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I still can't believe I kissed Louis. I mean, he's a heartbreaker. I can't fall in love with him, it will tear me apart. "Hey daydreamer!" I heard behind me. "Tristan.. What do you want?" I asked. "Are you doing something Thursday?" he asked. "No, why?" "Would you like to hang out? It's not a date, I swear," he said. "Yeah, sounds fun," I answered. "Okay, you can come to my place at five, if you want," he said. "Okay, but were do you live?" I asked. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote his adress on it. "Here," he said, giving me the paper. "Thanks.." I said. "I'll see you Thursday," he whispered. "Yeah, see you then."

o o o

I was changing my books at my locker, until someone covered my eyes. "Who are you?" I asked. "You guess," he said back. Oh heck, it's Louis. "It's someone who you're dating," Louis added. "Ehm.. Taylor Lautner?" I teased. "Nope, try again," Louis said. "Then.. Maybe.. Oh! Is it you Harry Styles?" I smirked. "Nope last chance," Louis said. "Then it must be Zac Efron," I smirked. "God damn Melissa! How many celebrities do you date? And it's me, Louis," he said. "I turned around seeing his beautiful blue eyes. I melted seeing his eyes. I mean, they're so goddamn beautiful! "I date thousands of celebrities," I smirked. "Well, I must be lucky that I may date you," he smirked back. "Jep, actually Robert Pattinson asked me, but I canceled so I could have a date with you," I teased. "How nice of you," he smirked. "I was actually dating Iggy Azalea, but I broke up with her to date you," he said. "She is much older then you!" I said. "So? She has a nice ass!" "How nice of you," I said back. "What?" he asked. "You're looking to asses, how disrespectful," "Everybody does it," he said. "How do you know?" I asked. "I just know," he answered. "I actually wanted to ask you something," he said, taking his hand through his hair. "What's your question?" I asked. "Would you like to go on a second date with me?"

o o o

I said yes, to the date. Not only because of Naomi, but also for the reason that I'm kinda liking Louis. Louis, the badboy. Louis, the hottest boy on school. Louis, the boy with beautiful blue eyes. Louis, the heartbreaker... I can't fall in love with him! I can't let my heart break again! Yeah, again. I really loved someone. And then at a party I saw him kissing another girl. Once he saw me he laughed. I know exactly what he said, back then. "I guess I'm caught.." Argh! What an egghead.
"Melissa!" I heard Tiana shouting. I looked around and saw Tiana running towards me with like ten shopping bags. "What's that?" I asked. "Just some clothes," she said. "Can you help me to bring those bags to my locker?" she begged me. "Yeah, fine," I said. I grabbed some bags and walked to Tiana's locker. Once all the bags were in her locker (magically) we went to my home.
"Tiana, I've got a second date with Louis," I said, grabbing a hand full of chips. "I knew it! First you date more and, then you're a couple, then you will marry him and at last you will get three kids!" "Yeah you told me that, Tiana," I said, chewing on my chips. Tiana rolled her eyes. "So what dress are you going to wear?" Tiana asked, grabbing five hands full of dresses (don't ask me how). So, that's what's in the bags. "Give me that light blue dress," I said pointing to the cute blue dress. "Good!" Tiana threw the dress on my head. "When is your date?"
"Friday, at nine," I replied.
"Okay, then I'll be at your place right after school ends," Tiana said serious, like we're having an appointment with king Willem Alexander.

o o o

Today it's Thursday and school just ended. I was on my way to Tristan, until an old women tackled me. "Don't eat the green pepper," she said with a mysterious voice. Watte fuck?! She stood up and walked away like nothing has happened. I got up and I cycled as fast as I could to Tristan.
"Hello Melissa," Tristan said.
"Hey!" I said back, breathing like a walrus. He looked at me with his eyebrow lifted up:"What happened?"
"I got tackled by a random granny" I said serious. "Okay, come in," he said, like it's the most normal thing in life.
"So why am I here?" I asked.
"Melissa, I'm going to be total honest with you," he said nervously.
"Okay..?" I said slowly.
"Okay, where do I start... I-like-Tiana-and-I-only-wanted-to-date-you-so-maybe-I-could-kinda-come-closer-to-Tiana," he said without breathing.
I looked at his face:"wow."
That was all I could say. Wow, nothing else.
"So now I'm asking you for help," he added.
"Okay, I will help you," I said.
"Thanks Melissa, you're the best," he said hugging me.
"No probz."

o o o

Melissa: Tiana, would you like to go on a blind date?

Tiana: Hey!

Tiana: Erm.. I don't know Melissa.

Melissa: Why not?

Tiana: Is he hot?

Melissa: Uhuh.

Tiana: And kind?

Melissa: Jupp!

Tiana: Why can't you tell me who he is?

Melissa: Because, if I tell you it's not a blind date anymore.

Tiana: Okay, I'll do it.

Melissa: Okay, Saturday at 3 o'clock I'll be at your house.

Tiana: Okay.

I went to the toilet and when I came back I saw I had a message from Tristan.

Tristan: What's her aswer?

Melissa: She said yes. Be Saturday at her place at 9 o'clock.

Tristan: Okay, no problem.

I looked to the clock. Ten o'clock. I must prepare me for bed. I went upstairs to my room.
"Louis?! Watte heck?" I shout-whispered to him. He waved at me. "What... How you came in?" I asked. "The window was open," he pointed to the window. "What are you doing here?"

o o o

[Louis' pov]

Louis: What do I have to do next?

Chad: Surprise her. Bring flowers.

Louis: Will it work?

Chad: 100 percent.

o o o

[Back to Melissa]

"I wanted to surprise you," he gave me flowers which he was hiding behind his back. "That's so sweet, thanks Louis," I gave him a kiss on his cheek.
"And I want you to wear this tomorow."

Hey guys.

I'm so sorry for this late update. I was on vacation for three weeks. And now school has started, so I will update slower.

Do you guys have twitter and instagram? If you do, would you please follow me? I always follow back.
Here are my twitter and insta accounts.

Twitter: mandy_vtv

Instagram: mandy.vtv

So vote, comment, follow and fan!

See you soon.

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