4 The stranger

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I was thinking about what Tiana told me last, until I got a message from somebody I don't know.

Stranger: hey Melissa

Melissa: who are you?

Stranger: does that matter?

Melissa: yes, it does and why am I talking to you. You could be a 50 years old pedophile.

Stranger: I swear I'm not.

Melissa: Yeah, you're probably about 100 years old.

Stranger: NO, I'm just a 17 years old handsome guy.

Melissa: Everybody can say that.

Stranger: I swear.

Melissa: Everybody can say that too.

Stranger: Believe me, I'm telling the truth.

Melissa: Yeah, right.

Stranger: -,-

Stranger: If I were you, I would be more nice to me.

Melissa: Why?

Stranger: Oh just.. I know your big secret.

Watte firetruck? How does he knows?

Melissa: How do you know what my secret is?

Stranger: That doesn't matter. I know it and now you have to do what I say.

Melissa: How can I be sure you know what my secret is.

Stranger: Shall I tell you what I know?

Melissa: YEAH!

Stranger: Your secret is..

o o o

Omg. He realy knows what my secret is. Who is he? I need to know. I grabbed my phone and I called Tiana.


"Tiana! It's me Melissa."

"Melissa! Why are you calling me?"

"I need to tell you something..."

"Okay.. What is it?"

"Can I come over to your place? I'd like to tell it face to face."

"Okay. Be here about 25 minutes."

"Okay. See ya Tiana!"

I put my shoes on and grab my jacket. Still 20 minutes left.

o o o

"Melissa?! This is serious shizzels!" Tiana shout-whispered to me. "How does he even knows it?" she asked. "He didn't tell me.." I answered. "Tiana! Why is the toiletpap-.." It was Tiana's brother. "Oh hey Melissa," he said surprisingly nice to me. "Hey Chad," I said nicely back. Then he left the room. "Was he talking abou-.." I couldn't finish my sentence. "Yeah, he was talking about toiletpaper," Tiana replied. "We need to find out who this stranger is," Tiana said to me with a straight face. "And then? What if we find out who he is. How can we stop him blackmailing me?" I asked. "If we know who he is, we can kill him." "Tiana... We're not going to kill anybody. Unless it's Katrina.. But I doubt it's Katrina, because it's a boy." " You're right," Tiana said disappointed. "We need to make a plan," she added. "But what...?"

"Whatte heck is the plan..?"

Hello lovely people who read my book! I hope you enjoy it so far. If you do leave a vote or a comment!

Any idea who that stranger is? You can leave a comment if you have an option, feel free!

So that was that for this chapter! See you soon!

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