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{ - OH MY GOD ROB ^^^ I need to let you know that @1d_4ever_02 - one of my best friends on here - made my cover for this story :) - }

Bella's POV:

"Okay, now, just stand right here," the same woman from yesterday - Amber - instructed, leading me to the center of the room. "and read these lines right here."

I nodded, and Amber walked to my side. I cleared my throat, and I began my audition.

"He's her sister, Court. He's probably just as arrogant and narcissistic as her!"

"He doesn't learn from his sister, Ren! Look: I don't even think he knows what Delia does to you. She is independent in this."

"And if he does know?"

"Maybe she ignores him,"

"Just drop it, okay?!"

"Ren, I just - "

"Just leave me alone!" I walked away from Amber, acting my walking away like it tells me to do in the script.

The judges started clapping, and Amber smiled at me before giving me a side hug.

"That was amazing, Bella! You'll work great with Edward!"

I froze.

"What?" I asked. I felt my jaw drop.

"Edward Cullen? You know, the guy playing Mason Pierce?" she told me questioningly, looking at me.

"Edward Cullen is playing Mason?"

"Yeah! So..." Amber smiled, "do you want the part?"

"I... I don't know," I sighed, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Well... we'll let you think about it. Call me tomorrow by nine to tell us whether you want the part or not."

"Yeah... o - okay,"



I walked out of the building and headed towards my car. I pulled the keys out of my pocket.

I either give up the part of a lifetime, or deal with a lifetime supply of arrogance for months.

I sighed before cranking up the heater and punching the gas.


"Are you serious?!" Rosalie screeched at me. "You're considering not taking the part because Edward Cullen will be working with you?!"

"That's what I said, isn't it?" I said, eating a chip.

"You're ridiculous!" Rosalie cried exasperatedly.

I shrugged and stood up from my bed.

Rosalie and I were roommates - when she asked if she could manage me, we decided that we should have her move in so she could help me out whenever needed.

"Look, how about you accept the part, and I will contact Edward's manager to get you two together to talk?" Rose suggested, rummaging through my closet.

"He'd probably just turn me down for a date with his mirror," I muttered angrily, switching on the television. The news came on, and it showed crowds of screaming teenage girls surrounding, speak of the devil, Edward Cullen.

He was wearing a slightly exasperated expression as he fumbled through the crowd, his bodyguards keeping the crazed fans away.

"Edward! Is it true you will be in the upcoming movie Heartstrings?" A reporter shouted, shoving the microphone into his face.

He just shook his head and pushed the mic away, continuing through his tight path.

I rolled my eyes - I didn't want to admit I was slightly impressed that he was more like tolerating the fame rather than flourishing in it - and turned the television off.

"You know what?" I said, turning to Rosalie who was looking at different outfits. She turned to me.


"I'm taking that part. I am not going to give up an amazing part just because some stupid, narcissistic - "

"I'm glad you're taking the part, but don't you dare insult my God."

I rolled my eyes again and picked up my iPhone. Dialing, I placed the phone up to my ear.

"Amber? This is Bella,"

*Amber: blah blah blah*

"I'd like to take the part."


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