-*+ 26 +*-

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{ - Sorry for the long wait and the suckish chapter! This is kind of a filler but I have had some writer's block :/ thank you for your patience! - }

-= Edward =-

"No, I really don't like cookies," I insisted to Emmett for the sixth time. He stared at me incredulously, and just as I was about to ask what was wrong, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

Assuming it was the waitress again, I began to speak. "I'm sure they'll be here any time now..." I trailed off as I turned, facing two girls.

Rosalie and Bella stood with smiles on their faces, and the breath was knocked out of me. As my eyes trailed down, soaking up every inch of Bella's body, I realized how hot she really was.

The black complimented her so well, and I just wanted to crash my lips to hers right now.

Emmett, noticing my silence, turned as well. As soon as he saw the girls, his jaw dropped to the floor.

"You like what you see?" Bella asked, smirking. I nodded without thinking, and Bella's cheeks turned tomato red.

She walked over and sat down in front of me, Rosalie sitting in front of Emmett and next to Bell.

The waitress finally appeared and asked us what we wanted to drink, and we all ordered.


Emmett had just paid the bill and we were leaving when my phone rang. Gazing at the caller ID, I noticed it was my agent.

I excused myself from the group and walked outside into the chilled air.

"Hey, man. What's up?" I asked.

"Edward, we've got a problem," Alec told me. He sounded frantic, like he was just jumped or something.

"Al, what's going on?"

"It's Jane..." he trailed off, his voice cracking.

Jane was Alec's sister, and also my cousin. My mom, Esme, has a sister named Elizabeth, who is Jane and Alec's mom.

"Why? What happened?" I asked, worried.

"Dimitri knocked her up, man," he announced, struggling to keep his voice even. "She's... she's pregnant."

I was stunned. Jane was only a year older than me, and a twenty year old shouldn't have to deal with this kind of thing.

"Is he... is he still with her? Does he know?" I asked.

"No, no one knows except me and now you. She was eating irregularly and mom have her a pregnancy test. She told us it was negative, but she came in my room earlier crying asking me what to do. I don't know what to do, man,"

I sighed, my breath making puffs of warm air swirl around my face as I thought.

"You have to tell your mom," I decided, "she had you, I'm sure she'll know what to do."

"What if she kills Jane?" he asked frantically.

"No mom would actually kill their child, Alec, especially aunt Liz. You know that."

"Okay, any other tips?"

I didn't know why he was asking me. It's not like I had any experience... he makes it sound like I'm a thirty year old with six kids. I'm younger than him so what was he thinking?

"Take her to the hospital or doctors or something," I said.

"Alright, thanks man," he said.

"You're welcome." I hung up.

The group joined back up with me as I slipped the phone into my pocket, and Emmett asked me what the call was about

"I'll tell you later," I mouthed before we walked up to the car.

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