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{ - Here's a short filler chapter so you don't have to worry that I've disappeared again! Love you!! - }

-= 8/20/17 =-

-= Bella =-

As the day dragged on, I got sick four more times. Each time I tried to keep something light down, like toast or saltine crackers, my body rejected it. My fever was a whopping 101.9 degrees. I didn't want to get off of the bathroom floor.

Edward took care of me dutifully, even though I could tell he was exhausted.

"Are we sure it's just the flu, Bella?" He asked me, tying my hair back as I flushed the toilet once again.

"What else could it be? Didn't James get it after work the last time we were on set? I could've gotten it from him." I told him, wiping my mouth and cringing at the revolting taste in my mouth.

Edward didn't look convinced, but he didn't say anything else. I stood up weakly and swished some water and toothpaste around in my mouth, knowing if I brushed my teeth I would just have to do it again in a little while. I needed my enamel.

A couple hours passed by, and I felt my stomach easing up.

"Bella, you need to have something besides water," Edward told me. "Can you try some crackers again?"

I hesitated, not wanting to be sick again, but nodded. My stomach hurt, and the nausea I still felt was from it being empty.

He brought me the packet of saltines and sat back down with me, rubbing my hair. I nibbled on a cracker, and soon managed to eat the entire thing without it making me feel sick. I ate another.

Soon I had eaten half of the package and Edward gently took it away from me. "Don't push it, you're doing well. Try to keep that down."

I nodded and laid back into his lap as his hands brushed my cheeks. I was so tired, and I knew he was, too, but I also knew he wouldn't fall asleep until I did. But I didn't want to fall asleep and end up throwing up on him.

So we both had to suffer.

"You don't feel as warm, Bella. I think you're getting better," Edward smiled softly, pulling my hair off of my sweaty forehead and pressing his hand against it. "Yes, you're definitely cooler."

Thank God.


The next day, I woke up in my own house, alone. Edward had to go out with Emmett, forcing me to be independent again.

Rosalie and I decided we would go visit Alice later today at work. We were both craving smoothies, and I wasn't exactly looking my best the last time she saw me.

"Bella, is everything okay with you and Edward?" Rosalie asked me, looking worried. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"Of course, Rose. Why?"

She bit her lip and sat down on the couch, and I followed her lead. "I was just wondering. I want to make sure Emmett isn't putting a wedge between you two. I just want you to know that even though I love him, I won't let him get in the way of your happiness. So if he's causing problems, let me know and I'll make sure he won't anymore."

I almost laughed, but the sincere concern in her eyes prevented me from doing so.

"Rose, the only problem Emmett causes is severe headaches and broken ribs from his bear hugs. He isn't doing anything to my relationship." I paused, thinking for a moment. "But please tell him to stay the hell out of Edward and my sexual lives."

She nodded. "I figured you would say that. I'll try. He's very nosy, though, Bella. He wanted all the details of a woman's period, so I gave him all of the details. He's still scarred. I threw a tampon at him and he screamed. He legitimately screamed."

I laughed, and soon Rosalie was laughing, too. I forgot how much I missed talking to Rosalie. I had been so wrapped up in spending time with Edward, and she had been with Emmett, we both hadn't had any girl time for a while.

I knew I would have to fix that. And I supposed today would be that day.

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