-*+ 29 +*-

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{ - So a lot of you were shocked about the last chapter... GOOD! Gotta keep my readers on their toes! Hope you like this update ^-^ - }

-= Edward =-

Three o'clock in the morning.

The minute my phone rang.

The minute I felt my heart torn out of my chest.

As my phone rang and I answered it groggily, it became clear that something was wrong. Rosalie was screaming at me frantically through the speaker, her words slurred and distorted by her sobs.

"Rose, what's wrong? Calm down, tell me what happened." I said, flicking my bedside lamp on.

"It's B-B-Bella!" she cried. "She's s-stuck in our house! She's b-burning!"

"What?" I asked, confused.


I froze in place for seconds, but the seconds seemed like hours as it clicked. Then I had hung up on Rose as I dialed 9-1-1 and jumped out of bed.

I shoved on my black Jordans next to my bed without bothering to put socks on. As I threw a sweatshirt over my holey grey tee, I threw a pillow at Emmett to wake him up.

After a frantic explanation of what was happening, the operator answered the phone. I told her the same thing I told Emmett, followed by their address.

She told me that the police and fire department were on their way, and I hung up and sprinted downstairs to the car.

Emmett fumbled to keep up as I started the ignition and ignored my seatbelt. He just managed to close his fool as I peeled out of the driveway.


"Holy sh*t," Emmett gasped as we drove around the corner, Bella's house coming into view.

My heart plummeted as I remembered she was inside. Flames licked up and down the walls and roof, and the headlights showed a pacing, tear-streaked Rosalie. She glanced at the car and shared a look with Emmett before turning towards me.

I jumped out of the car and ran towards the house, but Emmett held me back.

"Let me go!" I roared. "She's in there!"

"I'm not letting you run in a burning house, Edward!" Emmett yelled over the whooshing sounds of flames spreading and the cracking of the disintegrating wood.

"She's burning!" I growled, and Emmett flinched, but his grip didn't loosen.

"What good will it do if I let you in there and you burn too? Then we will just lose two people!"

I stopped fighting against Emmett's grip and turned towards him. Although I knew Bella was in there getting burned, I never thought that she could possibly be... dead. It never occurred that... she could be gone.

My heartbreak was so obvious I almost heard my heart shatter like glass as those facts sunk in.

Emmett looked at me sympathetically as we heard the sirens approaching.

Please, Bella. Please be okay.

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